April 23, 2024

Need an attitude adjustment?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Need an attitude adjustment? GO WORKOUT!

If you’re looking for a way to improve your mood, change your perspective or simply adjust your attitude, look no further than your workout. Exercise forces deep breathing due to the effort required. The result of deep breathing is stress reduction and a brain chemical mood boost. Exercise also brings emotions forward that need to be processed. Further, exercise clears your mind, allowing creative solutions to challenges to come to the forefront of our thinking. So, next time you find yourself grumpy, in a negative space or with a poor perspective, GO WORKOUT and enjoy the exhale!


Get your mind right!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Set your mind to reach your fitness goals!

Get your mind right in your fitness, and you’re half way there! A supportive mindset can be accomplished in spending a few minutes every day. Sit quietly and visualize accomplishing your goal- How will you feel? What will you see? What will you say? It’s important to include all your senses in your visualization and make it feel “real” to your mind. Get your mind right to reach your goals!


Listen to Your Body!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Listen to your body!

How do you know when nagging soreness from exercise warrants a trip to the doctor? Soreness is part of working out sometimes. Discomfort is also part of working out sometimes. Pain is NOT part of working out. So here’s the bottom line: If a move, motion or exercise doesn’t “feel” right to your body, it probably isn’t. Unload the weight and stop the exercise. Revisit proper form without weight or resistance, and then try again. If it still doesn’t feel right, then adjust the range of motion, mode of exercise or consider modifications. This is a feeling you don’t want to push through. And if you have pain that results, here are few guidelines to know when to take it seriously:

When ice doesn’t make it feel better.

When you have loss of range of motion or mobility.

When pain wakes you up at night.

Any pain accompanied by swelling, change in appearance of joint or muscles, numbness or tingling.

When you’re unable to perform your usual workout because of pain or discomfort.

Choose health and fitness…

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Choose health and fitness TODAY! Getting healthy and fit takes commitment, dedication and effort. And it will be worth every minute of your time, effort and sweat. Here’s how to stop procrastinating and choose health and fitness TODAY:

Set the timer on your phone  to signal workouts.

Ask friends and family for accountability.

Set a mini-goal for each workout.

Add a social component to make your fitness fun. Fun workouts mean you’ll be less likely to skip. And when you’re consistent with workouts, you’ll see results.

Learn a new sport or skill to keep interest high.



Find YOUR Fitness

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Fitness is NOT one size fits all!

Not all workouts are for every body! Likewise, not all bodies are for all types of workouts! Just because you didn’t like a workout, or the workout didn’t work for you doesn’t mean give up on your fitness all together. Unfortunately, so many give up entirely! Fitness goals vary, capabilities vary, comfort varies, and likes and dislikes vary. Remember this! Try a workout at least 3 times, changing the format, order, load or intensity, and try different instructors if in group fitness, before eliminating the workout as a fitness option. And then choose another option, and then another option, and then another option, until you find what works for you, feels good, is challenging, and yield results. Keep at it, and never give up. Try and try again to find YOUR fitness!

Get Your Game On!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Start a Game!

Call some friends and start a pick up game. Basketball, baseball, tennis, soccer, and volleyball are all great options to log a little cardio in an activity where people can come and go as their schedule dictates. There’s not much required in the way of equipment and often is found at your local school yard. Send a group text or email with a location, day and time!


Get Fit Quick Tip:


Take a note from kids and add the PLAY to your workout!

Every once in awhile forget counting reps, sets and logging rest time, and go PLAY! Let loose and run, jump, skip and hop. Implementing one PLAY day per month is a great way to keep workout motivation high. Adding play to your workout is also a great way to take the pressure off of regulating intensity and such. Let your mind wander, get lost in your thoughts or the scenery around you. Invite friends and chat it up while getting active. Take a walk around your neighborhood, play with your kids, hit up the outdoor obstacle course at your local park!

All Fitness Counts!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

All Fitness Counts!

Think all fitness has to be about counting reps and measuring heart rate? Think again! All physical activity counts toward a healthy heart, strong muscles and decreased stress. Think outside the box when it comes to workouts and you’ll keep motivation fresh and interest up. Here are just a few ideas to get you started:


Jump Rope.


Adventure Race.

Rock Climbing.



Martial Arts.

Roller Blading.





Get healthy living on your schedule!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Calendar it.

Put your priorities into a set schedule. If you schedule your priorities, you’ll find it easier to carve out the time on a regular basis. Find what works for you and be consistent! Here are 3 healthy lifestyle actions to keep consistent in your schedule:

Weekly Meal Prep. Eat healthy by having nutritious meals and snacks on hand during your week. Sunday afternoon is a popular time for many to shop, chop, cook and portion out their meals and snacks for the week.

Workouts. Schedule your workouts at the beginning of each week. For many, morning workouts means fewer interruptions and distractions.

Bedtime. Bedtimes are not just for kids! Set a bedtime to guarantee rest and recovery. Set a goal to achieve 7-8 hours of sleep each night.


Get Social!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Socialize AND Exercise!

Get social! Including friends into your fitness makes living fit FUN! With a quick email or group text, you’ll coordinate a meet up time and activity. Here are just a few ideas to get you started:


Race! Sign up for a team event or race together. (Costumes optional!)

Softball game.

Ping Pong Tournament.

Soccer game.

Volleyball game.

Scavenger hunt.

Group bike ride to a fun destination.

Basketball game.

Walk or hike.