May 3, 2024

FUN workout= Consistent Workout= Results!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

FUN is important!

And don’t forget to have FUN with your workout! YES, FUN! A fun workout means you’ll be consistent. Consistent workouts lead to results. Here’s how to add in the FUN:

1. Make it social. Invite friends and family!

2. Set up an obstacle course. Meet at your local playground and make up an obstacle course as you go along.

3. Forget structure! Move, jump, run, hop- get your heart rate up for 20 minutes.

4. Play a game. Kickball works well. So does softball, volleyball or soccer.

5. Revisit childhood. Remember freeze tag? Remember hide and seek? Remember musical chairs? GO!

6. Add props. Jump rope, hula hoop, beach ball all make for a great workout addition!


Keep Motivation Fresh!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Keep motivation fresh!

Keep motivation fresh by taking 3 simple actions:

1. Set a mini goal for each workout.

2. Sign up for a race or competition. This means each workout session has a purpose.

3. Invite a friend to join you. Inspiring others is motivating!






Get Visual with Your Fitness by Melissa Kahn

With the new year well under way, it’s normal to struggle to keep up with your resolutions right about now. It’s hard to establish new habits in just a few weeks’ time, so don’t be discouraged. Sometimes, a little help is all you need to keep going. If you find yourself lagging on your goals, consider creating a Vision Board for motivation. Writing it down is a great first step, but actively visualizing your goals every day might be just the boost you need. Here’s how:

1) Fill your Vision Board with vibrant visual expressions: You might want to keep your board small (letter size paper) or go poster size, depending on the size and number of the images you’ve chosen. Cut out photos and phrases that represent your heart’s desire, and feel free to include physical, professional, spiritual, financial, and relationship goals. The more dynamic and exciting to you, the more inspired you’ll feel every day!

2) Keep your Vision Board in a central place: Whether that’s in your office space or framed on top of your nightstand, it’s best to display your Board where you will see it daily. The thoughts you see repeatedly are the ones that will slowly creep into your subconscious mind, and will help you regain focus on the goals that you are intent on reaching. For additional inspiration, add dates for your goals to drive you faster and harder!

3) Actively visualize yourself reaching your goals: Starting a Vision Board is a great time to put your mediation skills to good use. Take 10 minutes out of your day every day to imagine the specific feelings you want to experience when you reach your goals. Picture your success in your mind, including every detail: what you’ll be eating, drinking, the perfume and clothes you’ll wear, and even the sounds you might hear when you know you’ve “made” it. Scientific research shows that the more deeply you connect to your goals on an emotional level, the more likely they are to come to life.

Once you have clear goals, set to visual tangible results, success is much more likely. Don’t let new habits scare you off this year: Get back in the game and make a visual and emotional commitment to living your best life.

Melissa Kahn is a Jenny Craig ambassador and the proud founder of Run, Heifer, Run! —a fun-loving community of fitness enthusiasts dedicated to common sense solutions for weight loss and healthy living. Melissa competes in triathlons now, having lost over 100 pounds, or the equivalent of 45 kilos of fear. She has maintained her healthy weight for more than five years.

Quality Fitness Time

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Quality Fitness Time

Getting in your workout is not a luxury, it is a necessity.  Quality fitness time is essential for all aspects of health. Whether a 10 minute walk or a 90 minute power class, your body AND your mind will thank you. Here’s how to insure quality fitness time:

Rotate workout focus. Choose a different focus for each workout to maintain mental interest.

Not all exercise has to be structured to count. Choose to live active during each day.

Choose a skill-set to master. Take up a new sport or a new mode of exercise. There is motivation in learning something new.





Fitness Goals: It’s not too soon…

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Prepare and plan your 2017 fitness goals now!

It’s not too early or too soon to prepare for your 2017 fitness goals. Here’s how to get started:

Write freely for 5 minutes. Grab a pen and paper or your keyboard and write whatever health and fitness-related thoughts that come to your mind. The purpose is to keep writing to brainstorm. An important goal may not be at the forefront of your mind and may take some digging.

Pick your top 3 ideas to focus on immediately. Which of the topics you wrote down are the most interesting and inspiring to you? Which scares you the most? Which makes you the most nervous? Choose those topics!

Gather information to establish a starting point. Commit to take one action step each day, beginning TODAY! Make a phone call, do a google search, talk to your friends, ask around.



Take a Fitness Break

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Fitness Breaks!

Whenever you’re out and about or working on a project at home, add in fitness breaks! Anything goes as long as you’re moving your body for 10 minutes… and having fun! Fitness breaks are limited only by your imagination.


Get Motivated!

Get Motivated!

Join #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat Monday 11/21 at 5pm(Pacific)/8pm(Eastern) on Twitter!

Pick up exercise tips, inspiration and accountability. Find support on your fitness journey and solutions to your challenges. Discover how others are making healthy living happen. Here’s how to join:

1. Log into twitter.

2. Enter #HealthyWayMag to follow the conversation.

3. Chat with others, exchange ideas and have fun!

Be there for your opportunity to win a giveaway from ROLL Recovery.

Get Your Mindset Right

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Mindset Matters!

Emotional wellness is just as important as physical wellness. If your workouts have been off track, check your mindset. Get your mind right and your body, and your workouts, will follow. Here’s how to get started:

Communicate clearly. What exactly is it you want to accomplish? Be clear.

One action a day. Take one action, behavior or motion toward your goal each day. Taking regular consistent action will build momentum.

Review. Ask yourself what is working and what is not working. Be willing to adjust your course along the way.


Cross-Train for Motivation

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Cross-Train once a week!

In a workout slump? Mix up your workout to keep motivation high and interest fresh. Take your favorite workout and tweak it slightly for a new challenge. Cross-training doesn’t have to be complicated. Change the angle at which you’re working muscles, and the result is your body (and your mind) has to learn something new. A slight adjustment will do. For example, love to run? Try the elliptical machine. Love to cycle? Try water jogging. Love to swim? Try running. Love the stationary bike, try walking on the treadmill.

WHY you’re not working out

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Why are you not working out?

Often skipping a workout comes from 3 areas that you’re lacking: interest, focus or time. Here are a few ideas how to get motivated again.


No interest?

Revisit childhood. What activities did you enjoy? Remember, not all exercise has to be structured to count toward your fitness. Run, jump, hop, play, bike, walk, swim, play basketball, soccer, dance…


No focus?

Do circuit training. Perform 1 minute of cardio, then perform 1 strength exercise. Repeat alternating until all sets are complete. Time will zoom by, keeping your mind and your body busy.


No time?

Split up your cardio and strength training into 5-20 minute sessions. For example, do a 20 minute walk in the morning followed by a 5 minute body weight strength routine in the evening. Find little bits of fitness to add into free moments during the day.