April 27, 2024

Why YOU should be using the Foam Roller by Charlene Ragsdale

If you are an athlete – you most likely will suffer from aches and pains at some point. It’s a mixed blessing. Sore muscles are proof that you are getting stronger, but on the other hand, it can cause a great deal of uncomfortable stiffness which can affect your sleep, work and daily lives. As an endurance runner, I learned of the benefits of foam rolling, early on my career. Foam Rolling is now a part of my daily plan and I recommend it to my coaching clients.

What is a foam roller? A long, hard Styrofoam or rubber-like tube. You will notice many use it at the gym or at an athletic event.

Why foam roll?
Helps prevent common injuries. One of the most important reasons for a regular foam-rolling routine is to prevent those too common exercise-related injuries. Foam rolling every day ensures you are massaging away buildup in your muscles.
Keeps you flexible & limber. Building up your flexibility is key for any athletic and fitness routine. Stretching and massaging your muscles can help combat tightness experienced from sitting after exercise for example.  

Things NOT to do with Foam Rolling
Never roll on the bone, only the muscles. This is particularly true with the shin area.  Roll off to the side of the shin bone, not right on the shin. Rolling is for muslces, tissues and ligaments, not for bones.
Never roll after icing.  Always roll PRE-icing.  Never roll on icey-cold muscles, but you can roll after a massage or heating pad. 

Rolling can be a wonderful part of your day, whether its a workout day or a rest-day.  It helps eliminate the kinks and knots in your back/neck, after exercise and also after a long day sitting at your desk.  As an athlete – rolling is essential, not a luxury.

Charlene Ragsdale is a RRCA Certified Running Coach, IFA Certified Sports Nutritionist and member of the USATF Master’s All-American Team. She can often be seen at on the podium as a frequent Age Division & Overall Winner in several distances. She lives with her Chef husband, two sons and two dogs in Las Vegas, NV. You can follow her at her blog:  www.RunningWithCharlene.com


Use Reiki’s Healing Principles for Everyday Peace by Marty Fabianova

How to stay calm and productive when there is ‘too much, too fast’ going on in your life? Mikao Usui, who re-discovered Reiki, brought these “life guide” principles back to the world as part of the Reiki healing principles. Explore how they can help you manage daily stress better.

Just for today I will not be angry.

It is hard not to be angry when for instance someone, who barely knows you, casts a fast judgement about you. But you know what? How people act is their responsibility. How you respond to their action is your choice. Try not to take anything personally and remember that letting go of anger frees one’s mind.

Just for today I will not worry.

While anger deals with past events, worry deals with future ones. Either way, we won’t be present to what is happening in our life NOW, if we allow anger or worry to take over. Let’s try not to worry about things we cannot change, and let’s try to substitute worrying for action where we do have the power to change something. Action speaks louder than words or thoughts.


Just for today I will show love and respect to every living thing.

Every living being has its purpose in life and deserves to be respected.  Honour your parents, your teachers and everyone who comes into your life. Even if the encounter is not pleasant, remember that we learn the most from the hardest lessons.

Just for today I will live by the attitude of gratitude.

Even though it might seem like there are no positives in your life right now, try to start your day with listing things for which you are thankful. Your health, family and friends, steady income, roof above your head, food… Or anything else you can think of that not everybody has and people might tend to take for granted. Simple things like thanks, forgiveness, smiles, good words, and gratitude calms the mind and brings more positive things into your life.

Just for today I will do my work honestly.

Try to do everything you do, to the best of your ability. It has been proved that, for instance, food cooked with love has much higher nutritional properties than food cooked absent-mindedly or with negative emotions. Let’s bring some love to everything we do and watch for the results!

This article is written by Marty Fabianova. Marty works as Reiki and Bowen Technique Practitioner in Stoke Newington, London. She is passionate about helping people to tap into the wellness of their body and mind in a natural way. Contact her at www.thebowenway.co.uk or via marty.fabianova@hotmail.co.uk. You can also connect on Facebook via her page The Bowen way – Help your body to help itself or on Twitter @MartyFabianova.


Back to School with Less Stress by Juli Shulem

Teaching your child efficient and effective study habits allows for less stress, for all family members!

Students of all ages can improve their study habits for better scholastic success. Consistency creates habit. Here are some tips to increase the chances of your student in dealing better with homework, exams, and school stress:

Set up a regular routine for doing homework. When your child arrives home they are most likely in need of a break  and perhaps a snack, so let that be the first thing they do. However, this shouldn’t go on for longer than 15-20 minutes.

Establish a place/desk-space where they can do their work easily. Some children do better in the kitchen with things going on, while others prefer complete silence. Test different spots until the best one is determined, as their room may not be where they concentrate best.

Secure the tools they will need to do their work. Determine what kind of paper, writing tools, calculators, etc. are necessary. Additionally, help them become organized by having a consistent location for their completed homework to go inside their backpack immediately when completed. Doing so will make sure their assignments are returned to class on time.

Finish homework early. Encourage your child to get their homework done before dinner (when possible) so they can relax the rest of the evening before bedtime. Many children try to bargain for “gaming time” before they complete their work only to not have enough time to finish what is due. Teach them responsibility by doing the higher priority tasks first.

Use a timer to aid in sustaining focus for those who find that difficult. Set a timer for 30 minutes to work, ending with a short break before resuming once again. If your child does best powering through their work without a break – great! If that kind of sustained focus is difficult, or your child has AD/HD, then the timed-focus sessions will really help.

Teach your child to schedule exams and projects well in advance. If a student has a paper due in two weeks, starting it the night before is a recipe for failure  and stress. Show your child how to break a large assignment into small steps and to do step daily. Write these mini-steps on the calender and hold them to their commitment.

Giving praise and encouragement plus listening to your child’s concerns about their strengths and weaknesses is necessary as a parent. However, note: not everyone is good at everything. Your child may need a tutor or more time in a subject to understand it. Listen to them, then empower them to learn effective and efficient study habits.

Juli Shulem, CPC, is an ADHD Coach specializing in students with ADHD and related challenges. She can be reached at jshulem@gmail.com or (805) 964-2389.



Cardio Basics for Beginners by Mary Miriani

“Cardio” is an accepted nickname for cardiovascular or aerobic exercise. This type of exercise works the lungs and heart muscle to increase its efficiency obtaining and pumping oxygen and nutrient carrying blood around the body. Obviously, the better the heart and lungs work, the more healthy you will be, so it is very worthwhile to start a cardio exercise program even if you are not trying to lose weight.
Many people are not patient enough to go about starting aerobic (cardio) exercise correctly and often quit soon due to injury or exhaustion without achieving any real results. My first word of advice is to be patient, and proceed slowly. There are 4 things to consider when starting cardio known to fitness professionals as the FITT principle (Frequency, Intensity, Type, and Time). Simply put, that means choose something you like to do (Type) several times a week (Frequency) for a particular amount of minutes (Time) at a certain effort (Intensity.) It is important to increase only one of these things at a time as you continue your cardio program to keep you safe.  
The type of exercise you choose is entirely up to you, but to be considered cardio, it must keep your heart rate elevated for a minimum of 10 minutes. Do not choose an activity you don’t enjoy simply just because it burns more calories. You will end up quitting. There are many appropriate exercises such as walking, biking, hiking, dancing, running, rowing, and kickboxing. At first choose one thing, but as you get going, feel free to add as many as you like. Variety will keep you exercising for life. The types of exercises you choose should also be based on your ablility. Just as a baby doesn’t start walking before crawling, do not start running before you can walk. Also, it is important to consult your doctor before embarking on an exercise program to rule out any possible medical issues, especially if you are over 40 and have health risks such as smoking or family history of heart disease.
Frequency and Time:
Beginning exercisers should start with no more than 20 minutes of cardio 3 times a week at a moderate pace. Build slowly and appropriately toward the standard recommendation of 150 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per week (30 minutes, 5 times a week.) If you have done nothing for a long time, it’s important to allow your body sufficient time to adapt to exercise. When what you are doing feels easy, that is the time to add more times per week or more minutes per session.  Add frequency and time slowly. It will keep you injury free.
One of the most misunderstood concepts of fitness is intensity. Somehow people think they either have to work so hard that they can hardly breathe, or be able to have a full-on conversations to exercise safely. The truth lies somewhere in the middle. Many people use heart rate to guide their intensity. It is a good method, but can also be confusing. Subtract your age from 220, then multiply that number by .80 and .60 to give you a range. For example, if you are 40 years old, you would want to stay inside a heart rate range of 144 and 108 beats per minute (220-40=180;180x.80=144 and 180x.60=108.) Heart rate range is only an estimate and does not necessarily mean you are at the right intensity to achieve your goals. A simple way to gauge this, in addition to using appropriate heart rate guidelines, is called the “talk test.” Simply, can you say a phrase or two, but not have an easy conversation? If so, that is probably a good intensity. As it feels easier to talk, that is a sign that you can increase your intensity. 
Now that you know the basics of beginner cardio, it is time to get off the couch and get started. 

By Mary Miriani; BA Exercise Science; ACSM Health Fitness Specialist
Reality Fitness, Inc. Naperville, IL

Want Results? Hire a Professional! By Brett Klika

Do you work with a Fitness Trainer? According to the Health Club Consumer Report released in 2011 by the International Health, Racket and Sportclub Association (IHRSA), about 6.3 million American’s do.

Utilizing a Professional Personal Trainer has gone from a novel status symbol to a safe, efficient, effective, and surprisingly economical way to reach one’s fitness goals. Once upon a time, daily exercise was the result of merely surviving. Now, physical activity has to be a conscious decision. 

Fitness Professionals function not only oversee your decision to exercise, but provide a variety of exercise and movement options so you are able to enjoy the process of arriving at your goals!

Here are 5 benefits to utilizing a Professional Fitness Trainer:

Becoming Familiar with Exercise Options Available

As our lives have become more automated, our daily demand for physical activity has plummeted. Daily tasks no longer require us to climb hills, carry heavy things, or chase our food to eat it. We have had to contrive movements and technology in an attempt to replicate these ancient demands.

The movements, machines, and methodologies of the exercise world can be overwhelming. Learning how your body works from a Fitness Professional, rather than simply memorizing a machine or exercise, sets you up for a lifetime of great health.

A Fitness Professional can familiarize you with the various techniques, exercise options, and technology available to achieve your exercise goals.


As mentioned, the modern day exercise landscape is not innate to us. Learning the movements and technology is much like learning a martial art. There are proper, effective techniques as well as improper, injurious techniques. 

If one creates an improper demand on the body, our body responds by eventually breaking down.  A degreed, certified, experienced Fitness Professional educates and supervises correct execution and programming of exercises. Every exercise you perform is done for a purpose, this means no time wasted! Professional Fitness Trainers have studied for years to research the best and most effective exercise program for you, your goals and your current abilities.


The biggest road block to success in an exercise program is program attrition. Creating exercise is often a arduous process, so it is easy to quit. However, if you are paying a professional to oversee your program, quitting or not showing up is not an option!


Unless one constantly researches and learns new methodologies and techniques, exercise can become monotonous and boring. Fitness Professionals stay current on the most recent research and trends in exercise. This allows them to introduce you to new concepts in order to keep things interesting, as well as to keep your results coming.

Economic Efficiency

Average 1-on-1 personal training sessions are generally between $50-$80 per hour.  Group (2-5) personal training elicits the same benefits and can be done for anywhere from $15-$30 per hour. Let’s say you utilize group personal training 2 times per week at a $30 rate. That’s $240/month. 

Compare that to the cost of fad diets, gym memberships you don’t use, exercise gimmicks, and un-ending frustration. That’s not even to mention health care costs associated with injury or being sedentary or lost wages due to time off from work.

These are only 5 benefits out of a list of thousands. Exercise is not something that just happens any more. We have to learn how to do it properly, appropriately and effectively. Degreed, credentialed and experienced Fitness Professionals are here to educate, motivate, and inspire!

Brett Klika C.S.C.S., Director of Athletics at Fitness Quest 10, is a world- renowned human performance specialist, motivational speaker, author, and educator. He uses this knowledge and experience to motivate individuals and audiences around the world through his writing, speaking, DVD’s, and personal correspondence. For more information and video on exercises, programs, and any other information on losing fat and creating the body you have always wanted, check out The Underground Workout Manual – Exercise and Fat Loss in the Real World at www.undergroundworkoutmanual.com.

Marathon: The Insider Scoop Written by Kristie Cranford

This article is sponsored by ELANVEDA. Sore muscles?
http://elanveda.com/essential-oils/muscle-and-joint.php.  ELANVEDA Muscle & Joint Relief, a blend of essential oils created to relieve joint discomfort & muscle soreness, is a must for every fitness enthusiast and athlete. Perfect for anyone who has joint or muscle pain due to an injury, fatigue or exercise. Enter HYWON1 to redeem your 10% discount through 9/15/12. ELANVEDA provides best-of-breed alternative medicine for everyday ailments, formulated using organic, wide-crafted and ALL NATURAL herbs and essential oils. ELANVEDA is partnered with Dr. Marc Halpern and the California College of Ayurveda to offer high quality products assuring the best formulas are used. Discover all their products, www.elanveda.com. Email via info@elanveda.com or call them directly, 310.570.9535. There is help for sore and achy muscles, ELANVEDA is your all-natural solution!


Marathon: The Insider Scoop Written by Kristie Cranford

A marathon is not only a physical feat, but a mental one. The best way to have a great race is not just to train, but to prepare.


Train within your ability. There are a numerous training plans available.  Find one that fits you.  Don’t be afraid to consult with a Coach.  No matter your ability, it never hurts to have a professional help you along the way.

Train at race time. Plan your long runs the same time and same day of the week as your race. Your body has a memory and will learn to run the distance at that time.

Experiment. Try energy gels, sports drinks, try it all. Get it down to a science and find out what works for you.  Train with what sports drink and energy gels will be provided at the aid stations on the race course. If while experimenting you find they do not work for you, plan a way to carry your own.

Train for the course. If it is a hilly course, don’t do all your training on flat surfaces. Even better if you can train on the actual race course. 

18 Mile training runs will drive you batty. Ask anyone. 17 miles, 19 miles, even 22 miles, no problem.  18 will drive you bonkers.  Just accept it, tackle it and run 18.1 if you have to.

Have a dress rehearsal. On a training run wear what you plan to wear in the race, fuel and hydrate like you plan to race day. If something isn’t right, you’ll have time to make changes before race day.

You will go crazy. There will be a time when your training tapers down that you will experience what has been called: Taper Madness, Taper Crazies, or Taper Tantrums.  Whatever you call it, all your nervous pent up energy will make you a little looney and edgy to say the least. Having a good friend to talk to will really help during this time. 

Carb load does not equal a car load of food. While experimenting, you should have figured out your best meal for the night before a long run.  Eat what you know is tried and true the night before the race. You do not want to be searching for a porta potty on the race course like a heat seeking missile.

It’s code. Call it superstition, or an unwritten rule, NEVER wear the race shirt in the race.

Relax. Race day you know what to do. You’ve trained, experimented, prepared. So relax and enjoy the marathon. When you’ve finished put on that race shirt, slap a 26.2 sticker on your car, and wear your medal with pride. You ARE a marathoner.

This article is written by Kristie Cranford, CPT. A wife, mother, cancer survivor and competitive athlete, Kristie is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer as well as a Running/Triathlon Coach for PRSFit Nation. Living in Las Vegas, she is the Chair of Long Distance Running for USATF-Nevada Association, Coolibar sponsored athlete, and Raw Elements Sunscreen Ambassador. Contact information:
Email: CoachKristieLV@yahoo.com, www.prsfit.com, http://coachkristie.com

5 Stretches to Transition from Work-Time to Relaxation-Time

Perform these easy stretches to relieve work-day stress and ease your body (and mind) into relaxation of evening-time. The following stretches are for those without injury. Please consult your physician before beginning this or any exercise program.

Single Knee to Chest Stretch. Lie on your back. Inhale; Extend both legs straight on the floor. Exhale; Pull your right knee in toward your chest. Inhale;Release your right leg. Exhale; Pull your left knee into your chest. Release your left knee back to the floor. 

Hamstring Stretch. Lie on your back. Inhale; Extend your right leg straight up, perpendicular to the floor. Exhale; Hold ten to twenty seconds. Change leg position; extend your left leg straight up, perpendicular to the floor and hold.

Figure 4 Stretch. Lie on your back. Inhale; Cross your right ankle onto your left thigh, pull both legs off the floor and in toward your chest. Exhale; Hold ten to twenty seconds. Change leg position; place your left ankle on your right thigh, pull both legs in toward your chest.

Cat-back Stretch. Begin on your hands and knees on the floor. Inhale; Round your back up. Exhale; Arch your back.

Standing lunge stretch. Standing, inhale and step your right foot back about three feet. Keep both feet flat on the floor and pointing forward. Exhale; Bend your left knee and hold ten seconds. Change leg positions; step back with your left foot back about three feet, keeping both feet flat and pointing forward, bend your right knee and hold ten seconds.


Why Pilates Works by Chanda Fetter

Pilates was created as a way to address injured soldiers in WWI. It was a means to keep the integrity and strength of the muscle while recovering from battle wounds. Yes, it was designed originally for men and as a sense of rehab and ultimately preventative care. Since in America, Pilates has taken on all different forms, but the foundation has always been  a common thread; people function better as a result of training in the Pilates method.

Corrects Muscular Imbalances. Through conscious repetition and attention to detail, any function can be re-learned. When the body is traumatized by an injury or accident its protective mechanism is to “shut down” the injured area. The only problem is the body doesn’t naturally “turn on” that same area once it’s better. Whatever compensation the body has done to work around the injured area is now the new norm of that junction. Over time, this uneven recruitment of muscle tissue creates asymmetries (mismatched sides, imbalances). These asymmetries lead to improper wear and tear on the joints and spine, ultimately causing improper GAIT (how we transfer weight through the body), stress on hips, back and spine.

Repairs and improves Muscle Recruitment Patterns. Once you’ve worked to correct your muscular imbalances the body will naturally grab hold of these learned behaviors and the neurological relationship between brain and body will be repaired. After all your body wants to behave properly, we just need to be conscience in our movements while this process is taking place, then ultimately it will do it on it’s own.

Functional Adaptation. Pilates has many parallels to functional movement patterns. For instance, when working any weight over our heads we teach the clients to draw down into their middle back muscles (Lattisimus Dorsi) as opposed to taking that weight directly into the neck and shoulders. This is functional to life, all movements should translate as such to all activities of daily living.

Everybody can do it. Pilates is based out of a rehabilitative principle and has adapted to the general population over the years to be one of the most safe and effective forms of exercise. It allows you to maximize the potential of each muscle group without compromising the spine or joints. It promotes core strength, balance, flexibility in a way that helps you understand the limits and potential of your body.

By Chanda Fetter
IM=X Pilates Studio, Owner

Staying Healthy On the Road by Tanya Memme

I’ve been traveling and living out of suitcases for the past 12 years as the Host of A&E’s TV Series “Sell This House Extreme.” 

12 years ago before all of this happened, I was a workout junkie, had a membership at Equinox Fitness Club in Santa Monica, loved my Tae-Bo classes Sherman Oaks, ate very healthy and overall had a pretty consistent healthy schedule.

From the very first episode, my crazy life on the road began. Suitcase, flight, hotel and car rental information in hand off I went and I’ve never looked back. It was a HUGE adjustment mentally, physically and spiritually. Never thinking I would ever have a problem keeping up my exercise and eating program, trip by trip, episode after episode, the pounds accumulated. 25 pounds later, I tried using the hotel gym, local yoga classes, jogging in various cities, I’d bring exercise videos, exercise bands, skipping ropes etc…but with the show growing in popularity and with early call times and long shoot days I became exhausted and totally defeated. I’d beat myself up for not being able to exercise consistently and eat right. Surrounded by restaurant food in small remote town where a green vegetable is unheard of!

This past year, I’ve had a busier travel schedule than ever, and became a new mom. I don’t always get to the gym consistently but I found a way to fit right back in to my pre-pregnancy pants and stay healthy. 

Whole Foods has become my tag team companion in staying healthy on the road and since healthy restaurants and organic food is more readily available it makes everything much easier. Every time I land in a new city and before I check in to the hotel, I make a stop at a grocery store. This way I can buy healthy snacks and lots of water so I don’t get tempted by the mini bar in the hotel room.  Always ask for a mini fridge in the room so you can store perishable items. Its worth the extra charge to stay healthy. 

When it comes to exercise, I do what I can and have stopped beating myself up when I’ve worked a 14 hour day and am just too exhausted and have to choose between sleep and exercise.  I work out when I can, as often as I can and always make sure I’m having fun and enjoying it. I recently started taking dance classes with my 67 year old mother too. It might sound crazy but I’m getting stronger, having a blast and laughing my way to getting back in shape. 

A friend also introduced me to online personal trainers. Now THIS IS AMAZING!  No matter where you are or what time zone you’re in, you can have a personal training session via Skype! We use things in my hotel room and customize it to what I have access to and what time I have available. We have fun, and he motivated me to stay on top of my working out when the last thing I want to do is workout. 

Eating right more than anything will keep you healthy and lean and proper exercise keeps you strong. Do your best, give yourself a break, have trust in your best and let it all go! Find that AMAZING YOU and enjoy traveling, enjoy life and enjoy staying healthy along the way. 

Tanya Memme is the Producer/Co-Host of the Emmy nominated, A&E’s Sell This House and Sell This House Extreme.  She is a new mom, pet lover, travel enthusiastic & lifestyle expert.  www.TanyaMemme.com

Does your Lifestyle Need a Makeover? By Heidi Henry

Need more joy in your life? If you’re feeling sluggish and unmotivated, it’s time to look at your current lifestyle.  Overcome lack of energy and motivation by asking yourself five key questions and then of course, making simple changes:

Are you drinking alcohol? STOP!  Don’t put a known “depressant” into your body?

What foods are you putting into your body? Are you eating and drinking processed, chemical-laden foods? Read your labels! Stick with whole foods and you’ll feel a boost in energy instantly.

Are you surrounding yourself with individuals that love and appreciate you?  If not, it’s time to make new friends. Join a club, join a gym, volunteer. Find like-minded people and you’ll find support.

Are you doing what you enjoy? Making time for what you enjoy is essential. Don’t know what you enjoy? Try new things. Set a goal to try a new hobby once a month.

Are you exercising? Do it! You say it’s hard?  Yes, however it’s always worth it. Living active clears your mind and is an excellent confidence-booster.  And yes, it gets easier over time. Move your body as often as possible.

You can’t continue to live the life you’re leading and expect a different outcome. Embrace change! 

Follow Heidi’s blog via http://www.BananaBuzzbomb.com where she focuses on running, training for triathlons, living a vegan lifestyle, all the while proving that YOU make the decision to lead the life you want to lead. Heidi can also be found on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/BananaBuzzbomb, Facebook http://www.facebook.com/bananabuzzbomb, and YouTube http://www.youtube.com/bananabuzzbomb