May 9, 2024

Commit to your Fitness!

Commit to your fitness each week by joining #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat every Monday at 5pmP/8pmE On Twitter!

A journey to fitness will take dedication, commitment and resolve. However, you will never regret your effort. You’ll look better, feel better and function better through your daily activities. You’ll be able to lift, carry and have the energy to accomplish whatever the day brings. So if you’ve had any doubt about getting fit and healthy, don’t! Every workout, set and rep IS worth your time and effort.

Recommit to your fitness every Monday at #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat!


Here’s how to join:

Log into your Twitter account.

Enter #HealthyWayMag to follow the chat feed.

Participate by offering your answers to the questions posed for conversation. Question 1 noted as “Q1″, provide your Answer 1, noted as “A1.” Tagging your answers with #HealthyWayMag allows everyone to interact together.

Chat with others, pick up fitness tips, have fun!


Monday March 14, 2016 #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat is Sponsored by Knuckle Lights:

Do you exercise outdoors before sunrise or after sunset? Be visible and be safe with Knuckle Lights. They are the only light designed to be worn on your hand which means you are able to control lighting up your path for consistent visibility. Offering different light settings such as high, low and blinking, each battery will last about 20-25 hours. Ideal for running, biking, hiking or even walking the dog, they are light-weight and weather-resistant. Follow them on Twitter via @KnuckleLights. NOW OFFERING rechargeable lights! Pre-order yours here,

Get Your Workout on the Ball

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Get on the Ball.

Revisit the stability ball in your workout! Sitting on an unstable surface such as the ball recruits your core muscles, adding a unique challenge to your workout routine. A few reminders:


Choose a stability ball that is the appropriate size for your height. When sitting on the ball, your hips should be slightly higher than your knees.

Stability is paramount. Before adding weights or a band to your exercise, make sure you’re able to sit or lean against the ball safety and securely.

Form is important. You should be able to maintain proper spinal alignment, without any rocking side to side of your torso or weight shifting.

Ask a Fitness Professional for proper instruction and exercises for your goals and ability.


*Always consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Squats on the go!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Wall Squat!

Wall Squats or Wall Sits make a great go-to lower body exercise to be completed when traveling, at the office or at home. Simply find a space along the wall or door frame. Lean your body against the wall. Place your feet about 18 inches away from the wall. Keeping your torso straight, slide your body down the wall about 12 inches. Line your knees up over your ankles. Hold for 10-30 seconds. Slide up the wall and return to your starting position.


*Always consult your physician before performing exercise.

End-of-Day Stretch

Get Fit Quick Tip:


Ease your sore muscles from sitting all day with this Bend-Forward stretch.

Here’s how to do it: Sit forward in your chair with your feet hip-width apart and flat on the floor. Place a rolled up towel or coat on your lap to act as a buffer from bending too far forward. Tuck your chin to your chest. Inhale and place your hands on your thighs. Exhale and walk your hands down your legs until you feel a gentle stretch. Inhale again. Exhale and slowly return to your seated upright position.


*Always consult your physician before performing exercise.


Have FUN with your Fitness!

Does your fitness need a little FUN? Fun fitness means you’re more likely to log consistent workouts. Consistent workouts means results! So if you’re wandering through your workout on auto-pilot with little enthusiasm, it’s time to change up your approach. Motivation is waiting for you every Monday!

Pick up exercise tips, gear ideas and motivation solutions while chatting with others every Monday at 5pm(Pacific)/8pm(Eastern) with #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat on Twitter!

Here’s how to join:

Log into your twitter account. Enter #HealthyWayMag to see the chat feed. You’ll see questions for discussion posed as Q1 for Question 1, Q2 for Question 2 and so on. Participate by offering your Answer to Question 1 by noting A1 and so on. Tag your responses with #HealthyWayMag to interact with others. Chat with others and have fun!


Monday March 7, 2016 #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat is sponsored by Flip2BFit:

Fitness is more fun with friends and family joining in! Adding physical activity into your day and family time is as easy as a roll of the dice or flip of a card with Flip2BFit! Playing board games, you’ll be teaching your kids about cardio, yoga and strength exercises…all while having fun and setting up healthy behaviors for a lifetime. Check out their YouTube channel to learn more about their award winning products, FITNESS-IN-A-BOX Board Game and BAKARI-Fitness Memory Card Game. Be sure to follow them on Twitter @Flip2BFit to receive all updates. Their games may also be purchased on Amazon and ToysRUs. Makes a great gift for teachers, sports clubs and parent/child organizations!

Sore Feet?

Get Fit Quick Tip:


If you’re on your feet all day, try this simple Calf Stretch to ease sore feet.

Use a step or a curb, or on any stable platform that is about two inches off the floor. Place your right foot flat on the step, hold on for balance. Place the ball of your left foot on the step with your heel hanging off. Slowly drop your left heel, feeling a gentle stretch in the left calf.  Hold for ten to thirty seconds. Release the stretch. Repeat with your left foot flat on the step and your right heel hanging off.


*Always consult your physician before beginning exercise.

What’s your Vision?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Create a Vision Board

A vision board, simply put, is a visual reminder of your health and fitness goals. It highlights words that empower you, pictures that motivate you, and scenarios that inspire you. Draw, write, color, paste pictures, tape magazine clips, or use whatever materials trigger the feeling in you of why these goals are important. Here’s how to get started:

Use poster board, construction paper or notebook paper.

Include whatever images and/or words that resonate with you.

Make your vision board as simple or elaborate as you wish.

Place your board where you’ll see it daily.



Plank for a strong core!

Get Fit Quick Tip:


Strengthen the many layers of your core musculature by adding Planks into your fitness routine.

From a prone position, place your forearms on the floor with your elbows directly below your shoulders. Tuck your toes under and lift your body up off of the floor so your body is parallel to the floor. Pull your shoulders down into your body. Pull your belly button up. Tuck your chin into your chest to maintain spinal alignment.

From the basic plank position, many options exist for progressions:

Alternate lifting your right foot, then your left foot up of the floor.

Lift and hold one leg up off the floor.

Perform a plank with your hands on the floor instead of your forearms.


*Always consult a physician before beginning exercise.