July 26, 2024


Get Fit Quick Tip:


Add sprint intervals into your walking, jogging or running workout.

Find a 50-100 yard path that allows you to perform regular timed sprint repeats. After a sufficient warm up of 8-10 minutes, sprint your time trial for a base interval. Repeat the intervals as long as you can log a decreased time each one. All-out intervals challenge your cardiovascular system, and your muscles, all in one time-efficient workout. Perform your sprint workout once each week to allow recovery of your muscles. This workout is for intermediate/advanced exercise without injury concerns.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Should you add a hill workout to your fitness routine?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Hill Repeats!

Hill workouts via repeats are great for cardio! Walk, run, power hike or even sprint up the hill, and you’ll burn mega calories and strengthen your legs. Choosing a hill of moderate incline, and about a quarter mile long is a great starting point. Begin with a warm up of walking on a flat surface for at least 10 minutes. Then do your hill repeat up, followed by a gentle jog or walk down. Turn around and head up again. Repeat 2-4 times. Perform your cool down for at least 10 minutes on a flat surface.


*Always consult your physician before beginning exercise. Hill repeats are for intermediate or advanced exercisers without injury or illness concerns.

Try Running!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Try Running!

Running is an effective total body workout. With one exercise you’ll strengthen your cardiovascular system, as well as your muscle endurance.

Here’s how to start:

Incorporate running or jogging into your day. If you’re out taking the dog for a walk, add in a few 10-30 second jogging intervals. Watching your child’s sports baseball? Do running intervals around a neighboring field.

Hit the trails. Running on dirt provides a unique experience. If you appreciate the quiet and prefer to not navigate around cars, take your jogging or running workout off the road. Start with running intervals according to terrain.

Head to the hills. Neighborhood hills with little traffic work well for a focused jogging or running workout. Begin by performing running intervals uphill and then walk down the hill.

Treadmills work. Love them or hate them, treadmills provide a workout opportunity regardless of weather, time of day or ability. Choose your speed, choose your duration and go.

*Always consult your physician before beginning exercise.


Running: How much is too much? By Charlene Ragsdale

As we begin running, we are faced with the choice when/if/how to increase our mileage. While it may seem to be an easy choice, it isn’t. The choice to increase mileage should not be done carelessly. Safety first! Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned athlete, start with two thoughts:
1. Your current fitness level
2.  Define your goals

Accessing your current fitness level is critical. A newbie runner cannot and should not attempt to run a 10 mile run, in their first week. However, a seasoned athlete may be able to do so. Running should be goal focused. You may want to lose weight, gain fitness or train for a race. Speak with those of whom you value their time and experience to find out more about what it takes to achieve your goals.

When the time comes to increase your mileage:

There is a general rule of thumb: Increase your mileage per week by 10% and train at that distance for 3-4 weeks.  Then, increase it some more. Overdoing the mileage can and often will lead to fatigue, burn out and even injury. Know your body limitations!

When increasing your mileage, know why you are doing so. Again, keep your eye on the goal. Increasing your weekly mileage by 5 miles can be mentally exhausting. Focus on the long term goal and when the times get tough, remember that goal. As you increase your mileage, be sure to pay attention to how your body (and mind) are adjusting. If you are becoming overtly fatigued or drained, back down on the miles.

Above all else, have fun. Increasing your mileage should be a great gauge for your training and will provide inspiration to keep running.

Charlene Ragsdale is a RRCA Certified Running Coach, IFA Certified Sports Nutritionist and member of the USATF Master’s All-American Team. She can often be seen at on the podium as a frequent Age Division & Overall Winner in several distances. She lives with her Chef husband, two sons and two dogs in Las Vegas, NV. You can follow her at her blog: www.FABRunning.com

Ask A Pro by Julie Mulcahy

Question: I’m a new runner and it feels great! However, my friends tell me that I’ll ruin my knees and should choose a different workout. Is this true? –Tina, San Diego Ca.

Answer: Running does not ruin your knees for the following reasons:

Running promotes cardiovascular fitness, helps manage weight and improves overall leg strength. Weight bearing activities, such as running, can also help reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Running also improves energy, mood and total fitness capability.

If running did ruin knees, most marathon/Olympic/elite runners should have knee problems as they run the most miles. Research has not shown that to be true.

However, running with improper form and technique or over training (in any sport) can lead to not just knee problems, but other injuries as well. See a health care professional if you need guidance.

Also important to note is that in my experience, I have seen many clients who have knee problems that I believe stem from a sedentary lifestyle and obesity. Being overweight puts additional pressure on knees and other joints of the body, which may cause problems. Again, running is excellent for weight management.

In general, running helps promote health and fitness, which I believe is always a good thing

Julie Mulcahy M.P.T is a licensed Physical Therapist with over 19 years experience in sports medicine and orthopedics. Julie is also busy mom of 4 children and a marathon runner. She may be reached by email jam82296@hotmail.com or @PTrunningmomof4

Running 101 by Kristie Cranford

So you’ve decided to become a Runner, how do you begin?

There is nothing more exciting and energizing than waking up one morning and deciding, today is the day you’re going to make the leap and add the title “runner” to your resume of life. Here are some important tips to get started:

Talk to your doctor. As with the start of any physical activity, make sure your body is as ready as your mind. Get a physical. You need a healthy foundation to begin.

Get properly fitted for shoes. Go to a local running specialty store and get properly fitted. They will watch you walk across the floor. Some will even analyze your gait on a treadmill. Good fitting shoes are crucial. Remember, running shoes are equipment, not an accessory. Don’t just go out and buy a pair of shoes just because they look “cool.”  Be prepared to spend $100-$125 (average) for a high quality pair of shoes.
Eat right. Your body is a fine tuned machine, don’t put the wrong fuel in it. Just because you are running does not mean you can eat everything and anything you wish. Eat clean, and remember you can never have too many fresh fruits and vegetables. 

Don’t buy a whole new running wardrobe. Ditch the cotton (it will weigh you down) and wear clothing with moisture wicking fabric that will take the moisture away from your skin. It’ll take time to learn what works best for you during a run. Get a couple shirts and shorts to start and build as you find what is comfortable and suits your needs and running style.

Wear sunscreen. Sunscreen should be something you put on every day just like your clothes.

Experiment. Running for fitness is a learning experience. What works for your friend will not necessarily work for you. There are so many different shoes, energy gels, etc on the market. Be open to trying out different products and gear, and don’t get discouraged if something doesn’t work for you. Keep experimenting!

Distance before speed. Work your way up to where running 30-40 minutes continuously is manageable before even thinking of adding speed work.

Find a support group of running buddies. Non-runners simply won’t relate and may not be interested to hear your constant chatter of races, energy gels, shoes, etc. Find a friend, buddy, social media group with whom to chat up running. The support, camaraderie, and motivation in the running community is like a big happy family. Your support group will cheer you on and lift you up.

Running is a fun and challenging workout! Enjoy the experience.

Written by Kristie Cranford, CPT. A wife, mother, cancer survivor and competitive athlete, Kristie is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer as well as a Running/Triathlon Coach for PRSFit Nation. Living in Las Vegas, she is the Chair of Long Distance Running for USATF-Nevada Association, a Coolibar sponsored athlete, and Raw Elements Sunscreen Ambassador. Contact Kristie via email, CoachKristieLV@yahoo.com. Or via the web on www.prsfit.com and http://coachkristie.com.