July 26, 2024

Stuffed Peppers by Shirley Plant

Stuffed Peppers

2/3 cup wild rice mix
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp basil
½ cup chopped walnuts or pine nuts
1/3 cup olives, chopped
1/3 cup sun dried tomatoes ( soak in hot water to plump up)
1/3 cup pomegranate seeds ( optional)
¼ cup fresh parsley, chopped
1 green onion, chopped
1 tbsp olive oil
Lemon zest
Juice of ½ lemon
4 red peppers or a mix of colored peppers
¼ cup dairy free cheese ( Daiya Cheese is a tasty gluten, dairy free cheese alternative )

Cook rice with herbs. Once done add in nuts, sun dried tomatoes, olives, parsley, green onion and pomegranate seeds. In a bowl whisk oil, lemon zest and juice. Add to rice. Preheat oven broiler. Slice peppers in half and discard seeds and stem. Place peppers face down on cookie sheet and brush with oil. Broil for about 5-8 minutes, watch closely. Turn peppers over, stuff with rice mixture and sprinkle cheese on top.

Recipe by Shirley Plant- Nutrition Coach and Author of Finally Food I Can Eat
www.deliciousalternatives.com. Follow her on Twitter via @sherrecipes
Did you know that 3 foods may be playing a role in your health? Take Shirley’s 21 Day Gluten, Dairy, Sugar Free Online Challenge and find out if these 3 foods are playing a role in your health. Learn how to make tasty, healthy recipes like this one.

Strawberry Banana Smoothie by Helen Agresti, R.D.

Strawberry Banana Almond Butter Smoothie

Enjoy the taste of this refreshing smoothie along with it’s many health benefits.

Strawberries have a high content of Vitamin C which helps ward off cancer and heart disease. They also contain folate which has been associated with reducing the risk of birth defects. Almond Butter is rich in protein and monounsaturated fat. This “good” fat decreases cholesterol levels and provides an added punch to help fight cardiovascular disease. In addition, this all natural smoothie stabilizes blood sugar levels and thus satisfies the appetite.

1 serving
In a blender add…

1 frozen banana
1 c frozen strawberries
1/2 c crushed ice
3/4 c almond milk
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon almond butter
1/2 teaspoon flax meal

Blend and enjoy the benefits of fueling your body healthy!

Helen Agresti is a Registered Dietitian with Professional Nutrition Consulting, LLC.  She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and 5 children.  For more Nutrition advice and healthy recipes follow her on twitter @HelenAgresti. For more information and recipes, go to www.pronutritionconsulting.com

Does eating healthy take more time?

Get Fit Quick Tip

Want to save time during your week? Consider implementing Weekly Meal Prep on the weekend! 1. Plan your meals. 2. Make a shopping list. 3. Shop, wash, chop and store all ingredients in portioned containers. Then all you’ll need to do during the week is assemble and cook!

Find everyday, easy and practical healthy living and fitness tips in our Get Fit Quick column.

Nettle Frittata by Kristen Yarker, R.D.

Nettle Frittata

Nettles grow in the wild in many parts of North America and Europe. As one of the earliest edible greens to appear in the Spring, they’ve long been associated with health and Springtime cleanses.

Nettles taste similar to spinach. But they have one big difference, which you can likely guess when I call them by their full name: stinging nettles. Yes, they will sting your skin (and mouth) when raw. So be sure to cook them well before eating! And, don’t touch them with your bare hands when picking or washing.

You can forage for nettles but I usually buy them at my local farmers’ market or grocery store that has a great local produce section.

1 TBSP vegetable oil
1 leek, finely diced
3 cups nettles
5 eggs
1/4 cup milk
1 generous tsp powdered mustard
1/2 tsp salt
½ cup shredded cheese of your choice, such as mozzarella, cheddar (optional)

1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

2. Lightly grease a 9 inch glass pie plate. Set aside.

3. Fill your sink with cold water. Add the nettle leaves. Using tongs, swish the nettles in the water to wash well. Using tongs, remove from the water. Remove the excess water by spinning in a salad spinner. Using the tongs and a knife, carefully remove the nettle leaves from the stalks.

4. Combine eggs, milk, mustard and salt in a small bowl. Whisk together and set aside.

5. In a frypan, heat the oil. Sauté the leek until softened. Add the nettles in batches as they wilt.
Cook until the nettles are well-wilted (remember you need to cook them until you’ve taken out the sting.)

6. Transfer veggies to the pie plate. Pour in the egg mixture. Top with the cheese (if using).

7. Bake in the oven about 20 to 25 minutes, until the centre is golden brown. Let rest a few minutes before serving.

Kristen Yarker, MSc, RD helps Moms and Dads support their picky eaters to try new foods on their own (without being forceful or sneaky). From introducing solids through the picky eating years, she helps Moms and Dads be confident that they’re giving their kids good nutrition today… and instilling a life-long LOVE of healthy eating. Get scientific evidence-based answers to real questions from real parents (recipes too!) by signing up for her 101 Healthy Snack Ideas at: vitaminkconsulting.com

Are you on the Party-Circuit?

Party Healthy Eating Check-List

Going to a holiday party? You enter the party and come to a huge table with lovely nutritional choices, as well as some not-so-nutritional choices. What do you do? It really is easy to choose foods that will support your healthy living goals! Forego the standard chips and heavy dip, cookies and candies in favor of these expert recommended figure-friendly healthy and flavorful foods. Check out these recommendations by Keri Gans, MS, RD, CDN.  Next time you find yourself standing at a party table crowded with a variety of food choices, you’ll be prepared and empowered with your healthy go-to expert list.

Healthy Holiday-Party Choices:

Shrimp cocktail
Hummus & raw veggies
Cheese. Stick to serving size of 4 playing dice. Enjoy with whole grain crackers
Nuts. (Again watch serving size — no more than 1ounce = a shot glass)
Smoked salmon on cucumber squares
Tuna tartar with avocado
California roll
Chicken skewers

Be mindful to still limit portions of above — because even though healthy choices — if all is consumed at once, the calories will add up.

Keri Gans, MS, RD, CDN, Nutritionist in Private Practice in NYC, Media Spokesperson and Author of The Small Change Diet (Gallery, March 2011) For more information, www.kerigansnutrition.com. Follow Keri on Twitter @kerigans and join her Facebook community via www.facebook.com/TheSmallChangeDiet