May 19, 2024

Take your fitness All-Out!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Go All-Out!

When was the last time you experienced true muscle fatigue in your fitness plan? True muscular fatigue means you’re working to your max. Choosing a workout that requires your maximum physical effort and full mental attention keeps motivation high. It’s also a great method to assess your fitness abilities and progress. Experiment with different workouts once a week or once a month to see what requires 100% of your body and your mind. You may even find a new sport to love!



Perfect your PushUp

Get Fit Quick Tip:


Do traditional exercises like pushups still have value in your exercise plan? The answer is a resounding yes! Here’s why. Pushups incorporate all muscles of the body. Pushups use the core muscles how they are required to work during your daily activities, in a stabilizing capacity. Pushups build upper body strength.

Find a form of pushups that works for you. For example:

Wall Pushups. Stand facing the wall. Place your hands flat on the wall in front of you, about chest-level high and shoulder-width apart. Bend both elbows and lean into the wall. Keep your feet flat on the floor and keep your torso straight. Extend both arms and return to your starting position.

Bench Pushups. Place your hands in the center of a stable bench, with your body straight and toes on the floor. Bending both elbows, lower your chest toward the bench. Extend your arms and return to your starting position.

Floor Full Pushups. Place both hands flat on the floor with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Tuck your toes under and lift your body up off the floor.  Bend both arms and lower your chest toward the floor. Extend both arms to return to your starting position.

Floor Modified Pushups. Kneel on the floor. Place both hands flat on the floor in front of you about shoulder-width apart. Move your knees back slightly until your body is straight, with only your knees and hands on the floor. Bend both arms and lower your chest to the floor. Extend both arms to return to your starting position.

*Always consult your physician before beginning exercise.



Ask for Accountability in your Fitness

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Ask for Accountability!

Find a workout partner or exercise group to hold you accountable to your fitness. Simply knowing you have to report your progress, means you’re less likely to skip a workout. Here’s how to start:


Talk to your friends, coworkers or family. Ask if they have fitness goals. If so, ask how they stay on track.

Ask for what you need. What exactly are you asking of them? Be specific.

Define your terms. Be clear how you’ll communicate progress, how often and what the ramifications are for falling short.

Follow through. Stick to your agreed upon plan.


Unstructured Exercise Counts!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Abandon your structure!

Not all exercise has to be structured to count. Making fitness fun is a great motivational tool to keep exercise consistency up. Start thinking out of the box for ways to be creative with your fitness. Here’s a few to get you started:

Be spontaneous. Meeting cancelled last minute? Go for a walk. An extra hour on your hands? Bike to a friends house. At a concert? Get up and dance!

Add the play. Did you play a sport or game as a kid? Play as an adult!

Incorporate props. Try a stability ball, stability disk, foam roller, medicine ball or pilates disk. Experiment with different exercises to keep fitness interest high.

Mix in adventure. Try your local climbing gym. Jump in your community pool. Check out the local hiking trails. Take a kayaking or paddling lesson.


Commit to your Fitness!

Commit to your fitness each week by joining #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat every Monday at 5pmP/8pmE On Twitter!

A journey to fitness will take dedication, commitment and resolve. However, you will never regret your effort. You’ll look better, feel better and function better through your daily activities. You’ll be able to lift, carry and have the energy to accomplish whatever the day brings. So if you’ve had any doubt about getting fit and healthy, don’t! Every workout, set and rep IS worth your time and effort.

Recommit to your fitness every Monday at #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat!


Here’s how to join:

Log into your Twitter account.

Enter #HealthyWayMag to follow the chat feed.

Participate by offering your answers to the questions posed for conversation. Question 1 noted as “Q1″, provide your Answer 1, noted as “A1.” Tagging your answers with #HealthyWayMag allows everyone to interact together.

Chat with others, pick up fitness tips, have fun!


Monday March 14, 2016 #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat is Sponsored by Knuckle Lights:

Do you exercise outdoors before sunrise or after sunset? Be visible and be safe with Knuckle Lights. They are the only light designed to be worn on your hand which means you are able to control lighting up your path for consistent visibility. Offering different light settings such as high, low and blinking, each battery will last about 20-25 hours. Ideal for running, biking, hiking or even walking the dog, they are light-weight and weather-resistant. Follow them on Twitter via @KnuckleLights. NOW OFFERING rechargeable lights! Pre-order yours here,

What’s your Vision?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Create a Vision Board

A vision board, simply put, is a visual reminder of your health and fitness goals. It highlights words that empower you, pictures that motivate you, and scenarios that inspire you. Draw, write, color, paste pictures, tape magazine clips, or use whatever materials trigger the feeling in you of why these goals are important. Here’s how to get started:

Use poster board, construction paper or notebook paper.

Include whatever images and/or words that resonate with you.

Make your vision board as simple or elaborate as you wish.

Place your board where you’ll see it daily.



Set a Healthy Tone to your Week

Set a healthy tone to your week with #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat every Monday 5pmP/8pmE! Pick up exercise ideas and inspiration. Chat with others, get motivated and excited about your fitness journey.


Here’s how to join:
Log onto your Twitter account and follow @HealthyWayMag to see the chat questions. Questions for discussion will be posted as Question 1, “Q1″, Question 2, “Q2″ and so on. Contribute your answer and experience via answers to Question 1 noted as “A1″, designating your answer to Question 2 as “A2″ and so on. Interact with others, chat, exchange ideas, training tips and have fun!

Monday February 22, 2016 #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat is Sponsored by delivers fuel, nutrition and monthly motivation in a box right to your front door. As a monthly subscription service, their mission is simple, “perform better, be healthier, and have more fun.” The box also makes a great gift for the runner in your life. It’s suitable for all ages and is packed with products to sample designed specifically to boost your training and your fitness. Products vary from month to month. Inside the box you’ll discover bars, gels, food, apparel, and gadgets just to name a few. Rest assured, knowing you’re sampling the best of the best products on the market. Order your box TODAY at! Follow them on Twitter @StrideBox.

Dining out? Always do this before you go…

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Research your options!

Planning ahead is key to a healthy lifestyle, and that means be informed. If you’re heading out to eat, one easy action sets you up for a healthy meal success. Seeking out information ahead of time takes the guess-work out of making nutritious food choices. So how do you do it?

Look up the menu online. Look up the menu online ahead of time to plan for a healthy meal. Firstly, you won’t get caught up in making a fast, pressured decision. Secondly, you won’t be distracted by others choices. Finally, you won’t be swayed by spontaneous cravings.






What’s the BEST workout? By Jennifer Austin

Question: What is the best workout? Answer: The workout you’ll do! The list of possible exercise is endless. Choosing what to do for exercise is really very simple: Go back to the basics of finding what you enjoy. If you enjoy what you’re doing, you’ll want to be doing it! And when you want to be doing an activity, you’ll increase your effort. Effort is where results happen. Design your exercise according to an activity you enjoy.

Ask yourself the following five questions:

Does the activity fill you with ease?
Do you look forward to this activity?
Do you feel physically, psychologically and emotionally better after?
Do you miss the activity when you’re away from it?
Does the activity feel natural and comfortable (doesn’t feel painful) in your body?

Find what activity promotes a “yes” answer to the previous questions, and that’s where you should begin. Here are a few ideas for common activities with fitness-focused progressions to get you started:

If you like to walk, take one day a week and extend your walk to slightly longer than your usual duration. A great way to make your walk longer is to plan for a destination walk. Head to a different neighborhood and explore, for example. You’ll be distracted by new surroundings you’ll hardly notice the longer time spent walking. Adding on in 5 minutes increments is a good way to build fitness into your walk. Build on from there to create an unaccustomed effect on your body.

If you like to ride your bike, think about organizing a work or neighborhood bike club to prepare for an organized ride. Gathering a group of friends together at a set time and place each week to prepare for a ride will add consistency into your bike schedule. Riding with others is also a great way to learn new techniques and bike handling skills to make riding more effective. Combining bike riding with a task is also a great way to make use of the time that would otherwise spend sitting in your car. For example, have to drop something off at a friend’s house, ride your bike there! Have to pick up something small at the store, hop on your bike.

If you like to jog, try adding in a few sprint intervals. If you’re used to jogging the same loop, the same speed the same days of the week, your results probably ceased awhile ago. Adding in sprints increases intensity, which is great for burning calories. Sprint to a landmark on your route or sprint according to your watch. Finding hills to jog also makes for a great muscle loading workout.

Designing your exercise around what you love to do is a great start toward fitness. Most important when just starting out, is not always what you’re doing but that you are in fact, doing something to challenge your heart, lungs and muscles!

Ask a Pro by Nicki Anderson

Question: What is your number one trick to break through a mental barrier when working toward a goal? –Steve from San Diego


Answer: By Nicki Anderson

Make the Goal Your Own. All too often people set goals they feel they HAVE to achieve (pressure from family, friends, spouse, etc) vs. goals they WANT to achieve. Progress begins with looking at the goal and making sure it’s one that gets your heart pumping, in other words you have to be passionate about it. For example, if you repeatedly fall short of your goal, it is likely not one that is of enough value to you. So your goal HAS to be your own, one that ignites excitement.

Take Action. When you find the goal that inspires you, the next step is setting up an action plan. Keep in mind, if you’re setting up the action plan and feel your excitement is waning, one of two things is happening. Either the plan is too aggressive, or there is a part of the goal that doesn’t excite you enough to work that hard. This means it’s time to rethink your goal. If it’s too aggressive, slow down on your arrival date of the goal. For example, if you have a wedding to attend in 4 weeks and your goal is to lose 20 lbs, that’s pretty aggressive!

Be realistic. Once you start laying out the action plan and see the work that needs to be done, you might not want it that bad. So rather than abandon the goal entirely, simply be more realistic. For example, set 12 weeks for your 20 pound weight loss goal. You’ll still feel great by the wedding but you won’t feel like you failed because you didn’t reach such an aggressive goal.

Keeping these three steps in mind is the secret necessary to get you to your goal successfully!

Nicki Anderson
Columnist, Business Owner, and NASM Certified Trainer with over 25 years in the Health and Fitness Industry. She can be contacted at or