September 20, 2024

Small fitness steps stick

Fit Mind:

Celebrate small steps!

Your fitness is cumulative. Not one workout will make or break your fitness. Fitness sticks with small changes. Set a mini weekly goal to maintain your focus. For example: Set a goal to complete 4 cardio workouts lasting of 30 minutes each. Set a goal to complete 3 strength workouts. Set a goal to do your stretching routine daily after work. Short term and long term goals are great, but mini weekly goals will keep your interest and motivation high.

Total Body Exercise

Fit Body:

Posterior Leg Raise

The posterior leg raise should really be called the total body exercise because it strengthens your entire body in one move. You’ll be strengthening all the muscles of the leg you’re lifting. You’ll be building muscle endurance and balance on the stationary leg, and you’re working core too. Stand on your right leg only. Lift your left leg straight up behind your body about 6 inches. Pause for one second, and then slowly lower. Do 10 reps in a slow and controlled manner. The key is to keep your shoulders down and back, and keep your torso completely still. Repeat the move standing on your left leg, and lift and lower your right leg.


Plank… Plus!

Fit Body:

Plank with Side Step

Begin in a plank position. Keeping your upper body in one place, and stabilizing your core. Step your right foot to the side about six inches, pause for a few seconds, and then return to your starting position. Next, step your left foot the side about six inches, pause, and then return to your starting position. Repeat 10 times.


Intro to a Pushup

Fit Body:

Intro to a Pushup

The challenge of a push up for many is the core stability needed to maintain your torso and hip position. Master proper core stability of your pushup by making your knees, instead of your toes, the pivot point at first. Here’s how: Place both knees on the floor and hold both feet up off the floor. Next, place both hands slightly wider than shoulder-width flat on the floor. Pull your belly button up toward your spine to maintain your torso position. Then, bend both elbows lowering your chest to the floor. Finally, straighten both elbows and push your body up to complete one rep.

Core and Legs Combo

Fit Body:

Core and Legs Combo

Work your core and legs together with this super-effective exercise. Begin without weight and master form first. Here’s how: Lie on your back, with both knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Next straighten your right leg and lift it up so your heel is facing the ceiling. Next, raise your right arm straight up so it is also perpendicular to the floor. In one motion, lower your right leg so it’s parallel to the floor, and your right arm straight overhead. Exhale and return to your starting position. Begin with 10 reps, then release. Keep your belly button in tight and your torso still. Repeat with your left leg and left arm.


*This exercise is for intermediate exercisers without injury concerns.

Core Strengthener

Fit Body:

Floor Core Hold

Strengthen your core with this one move. Here’s how: Lie on your back. Place both arms on the floor along side your body. Tuck your chin toward your chest. Lift both feet up off the floor, and then lift your upper body up off the floor. Support your torso by leaving your forearms on the floor. Find your balance point and hold for 3 deep breaths, and then release. Do 5 reps.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

At-Your-Desk Posture Check

Fit Body:

Posture Check!

Do you have a sore neck and sore shoulders at the end of your day?  Check your desk posture! Move your chin back, and sit up straight, so your ears are lined up directly over your shoulders. Lower your chin so it is parallel to the floor. Slide your chair forward so you can reach the keyboard, but still keep your shoulders back so they are over your hips. A key to reducing neck and shoulder soreness while at your desk is to keep your torso straight up and down. Think about puling your shoulders down and back. This may mean moving your monitor and keyboard closer to you on the desk to eliminate the need to lean forward. You’ll know your chair is at the proper height when your forearms are parallel to the floor when using the keyboard. A proper desk and chair position goes a long way to reducing neck and shoulder soreness.



Build your Lower Body Strength

Fit Body:

Single Leg Bridge for Lower Body Strength

The Bridge is an effective exercise to strengthen your glutes, hamstrings and core muscles. It’s important to maintain proper spine alignment with your belly button in throughout the range of motion. Lie down on the floor on your back. Bend both knees, with your feet flat. Extend your left leg straight up toward the ceiling. Place each arm straight on the floor along side your body. Keeping your back aligned, press through your right heel and lift your hips about 3 inches off the floor, and then lower. Be sure to keep your hips level, and your shoulders down. Do 10 reps, and then return your left foot the floor. Next, extend your right leg straight up, press through your left heel and lift your hips, then lower. Do 10 reps, and then release.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Stretch Break: Shoulder Posture Stretch

Fit Body:

Shoulder Posture Stretch

Stretch Break: Stand up. Raise your right hand straight up overhead and then lower it behind your upper back. At the same time, move your left hand down and behind your back, then up to grasp your right hand. Hold for 3 deep breaths, and then release. Repeat with your left hand up and over, and your right hand down and back.



Side Plank for a Strong Core

Fit Body:

Side Plank for a Strong Core

Begin lying on your right side on the floor. Place your right hand directly below your right shoulder. Keeping your body and legs straight lift your body up off the floor. Hold for a count of 10-15, and then release. Repeat lying on your left side. Lift and hold for 10-15 seconds, then release. For more of a challenge, hold your top arm straight up, perpendicular to the floor, with your palm forward.