April 24, 2024

Your Fitness Team

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Form your Fitness Team

Getting fit takes effort, support and accountability. Form a fitness team by asking others to join you in your healthy living journey. Set a time to meet once a month, or even once a week. Share your top 3 fitness goals, as well as your specific plan how you’ll accomplish each. Ask for regular support of accountability via emails, texts or phone calls. As you work toward your goals together, you’ll be able to share your successes and problem-solve to overcome any obstacles that may come up. Having your team to report progress to will increase adherence and consistency, as well as keep motivation high. Your motivation will soar through encouraging your team members to keep going, stick with it and never give up on their fitness goals. Consider your fitness team as a healthy living mastermind group getting together for the common purpose of creating a healthy mind, body and heart. Who will you invite to join your fitness team?


Push Ups for Strength

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Bench Pushups

Bench Pushups are a great exercise to challenge your upper body and your core. Using the bench is also an effective option to reduce tension on your neck and shoulders, and still reap the strength benefits of push ups. Begin with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width. Extend your legs so you are on your toes only, and hold your body straight. Bending from your elbows, slowly lower your chest toward the bench. Pause for one second to break momentum. Next, extend both arms and return to your starting position to complete one rep. Do ten reps.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

When in doubt, walk it out!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

When in doubt, walk it out!

No time? No equipment for a workout? Walk! Walking for fitness doesn’t require expensive equipment, proper clothing, a specific location or a baseline of fitness. Simply grab your keys, phone and go. Instead of focusing on a target pace, set a goal to walk at a sustained pace, of your choosing, for a specific time.  Begin with 5 minutes and build from there. Unsure of walking outdoors? Walking may be done indoors for safety and comfort via the grocery store, mall, hallway or even around your living room. Indoor walking provides restrooms and chairs as soon as they’re needed. And the benefits are the same! You’re strengthening your heart, lungs, muscles, balance and agility. Go fast, go slow, go long, go slow, go outdoors, go indoors… JUST GO!

What fitness example do you set?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Encourage fitness by setting a healthy example!

Youngsters hear and see everything. Even when you think they aren’t paying attention, they are! If you pull on your jeans and grimace. If you complain how much you ate and now you “feel so fat”. If you are on the tennis court and whine how bad you are, can’t do anything right, or are so out of shape, you are setting an example. They look up to you, they think you are strong and capable. You’re the grown ups, after all. Set a strong, balanced, and empowered example of healthy living and smart fitness choices by using positive words and taking positive actions.



Isometric Abs!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Ab-Hold Exercise!

Isometric exercise means your muscles are holding a position tight, without movement. Try an Isometric Ab-Hold exercise to strengthen your core. Begin seated. Place both arms along the side of your body for support. Next slowly lean back until you feel your abs engage. Next, lift both legs up off the floor. Breathe normally. Hold for a count of 10 seconds, then release.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Seated End-of-Day Stretch

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Low Back and Leg Stretch

Begin seated on the floor, with both legs straight out in front of you. Gently tuck your chin to your chest and bend forward, reaching straight out with both hands. Hold for one or two deep breaths, then slowly return to your upright posture.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Ready to Challenge Your Plank?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Plank with Shoulder Tap

Begin in a plank on your hands and toes. Next, keeping your body still, lift your right hand and touch your left shoulder, then return to the floor. Repeat, lifting your left hand and touch your right shoulder, return your hand to the floor. Do 10 reps, slow and controlled.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Take Responsibility for Your Fitness!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Take responsibility for your health and fitness!

YOU are in charge of your workout! If you want to feel better, look better and function better, log consistent workouts. You can have more energy. You don’t have to live in pain. You don’t have to settle for poor posture. You can have strong muscles. Take responsibility RIGHT NOW by:

Get up earlier and log a home workout via YouTube, DVD or App.

Exercise at lunch.

Walk as much as you can during your day.

Sit less, take more breaks during your day.

If you don’t enjoy your workout, or at least part of it, try a new type of exercise. Keep trying new exercise until you find what works for you.

Join a community sports league or exercise class.

Train for an event like running or triathlon.

Schedule workouts with friends, instead of happy hours and meals.

Download a stretching app and do it every night after work.

Commit to a daily practice of deep breathing and meditation.






Should You Revisit Exercise Machines?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Don’t underestimate exercise machines in the gym!

With the wave of functional fitness so popular, exercise machines can get lost, but they still hold value. What and how you work out should be determined by goals and ability. Consider your options, all your options, and a great option for you may just be exercise machines! Exercise machines provide guided range of motion in the tracking design of the machine. This means if you’re unable to stabilize your body position, the machine helps. If you like the option of different programming, routes and resistance, machines are a great choice. And if you’re wanting to isolate one part of your body, machines offer that option.



Little Bits of Fitness

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Lots of little bits of fitness add up to big health benefits.

You may not have a full 30 minute or an hour to devote to fitness, that’s understandable sometimes. So, do you have 5 minutes? 10 minutes here are there? Did an appointment or meeting cancel? Fitness is cumulative, so every little bit adds up to a stronger heart, lungs and muscles. Look around you during the day, do you notice ways to be active, more active? Take the stairs, park farther away from where you’re going, do balance exercises while standing in line, walk while waiting for an appointment, do range of motion when waiting, practice deep breathing, bike your errands, kick the soccer ball with your kids, romp with your dog. Every minute during the day of incorporating physical activity adds to your level of fitness. Keep moving!