February 7, 2025

All Fitness Counts!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

All Fitness Counts!

Think all fitness has to be about counting reps and measuring heart rate? Think again! All physical activity counts toward a healthy heart, strong muscles and decreased stress. Think outside the box when it comes to workouts and you’ll keep motivation fresh and interest up. Here are just a few ideas to get you started:


Jump Rope.


Adventure Race.

Rock Climbing.



Martial Arts.

Roller Blading.





Ready to Challenge Your Abs?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Toe touches!

Ready to challenge your abs? Do Toe Touches with your Crunches. Here’s how: Begin lying on your back on the floor. Raise both shoulders up off the floor. Lift your right leg up toward your chest and reach your left hand toward your right shin, then slowly release. Next lift your left leg up toward your chest, reach your right hand toward your left shin. Start with 10 reps.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.



Become A Beginner!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Become A Beginner With Your Fitness!

A great method to increase motivation and maintain interest in your fitness is to learn a new sport or skill. Be vulnerable and put yourself out there as a beginner. What activity would you love to try? Here’s how to get started:

To get ideas ask your friends what workout or sport they enjoy?

Do an online search to see what gear and knowledge is involved, as well as where the sport is offered in your community.

Poll your friends for their impressions about the facilities and instructors your internet search revealed. Still sound interesting?

Sign up! Better yet, invite a friend to join you!


Total Core Strength

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Leg Raises for Total Core Strength.

Lie on your back. Place your arms wherever most comfortable to help maintaining neutral pelvis. Lift your right leg up off the floor about 2 feet, maintaining core stability, slowly lower your right about twelve inches. Immediately lift your left leg and slowly lower. Repeat leg raises 10 times total. This exercise is for intermediate exercisers, without injury concerns.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Quality Fitness Time

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Quality Fitness Time

Getting in your workout is not a luxury, it is a necessity.  Quality fitness time is essential for all aspects of health. Whether a 10 minute walk or a 90 minute power class, your body AND your mind will thank you. Here’s how to insure quality fitness time:

Rotate workout focus. Choose a different focus for each workout to maintain mental interest.

Not all exercise has to be structured to count. Choose to live active during each day.

Choose a skill-set to master. Take up a new sport or a new mode of exercise. There is motivation in learning something new.





Share Your Love of Fitness!

Get Fit Quick Tip:
Share your love of fitness!

Sharing your love of fitness with others is easy- simply invite a friend or family member to join you! You never know who will be inspired. Many who wish to begin an exercise program are unsure how to begin. A buddy workout is a great first step! At the very least, those close to you will see how much you love fitness and be happy to see how you spend your free time. Here’s how to make it a positive uplifting experience for all:

Keep it user-friendly. This is not the workout to shoot for your pull-up PR or your sprint interval personal best on the community track. Keep the intensity low, duration to 20-30 minutes and workout mode easy as far as coordinate/agility required.

Keep it interactive. Chat it up, take water breaks, focus on having fun.

Keep it to a small group. A large group or the most popular fitness class at the gym may be intimidating to a new exerciser. Choose off-peak times and classes, or times when the trail is not packed with runners.


Make your workout WORK!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Make your workout WORK!

Want results from your exercise? You’re going to have to WORK! Your cardio workout should be challenging, that’s the point. So, ditch the workouts leaning on the bars of the cardio machine, forgot the exercise when you’re checking your email the entire time, get rid of workouts when you’re chatting it up, distracted and putting forth half-effort! Your fitness= you get out of it, what you put into it. If you’re cruising through your exercise, check yourself:

1. You should be breathing harder than normal.

2. Your perceived exertion (how hard you gauge you’re working) should be somewhat hard.

3. You should have to focus on proper execution of your exercise.

4. You may be sweating.

5. You should feel fatigue for about 30 minutes post workout.

Cross-Train for Consistency

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Cross-Train for Consistency.

Consistent workouts is what leads to results. How do you stay motivated enough to be consistent? Cross-Train!

Do an entirely different workout anywhere from once a week to once a month. This means you’ll be working your muscles in a different mode or angle than during regular workouts. Changing the angle your working your muscles most days allows you to still log a workout but also decrease risk of injury from overworking or doing the same thing for days and weeks. Try a class. Join friends. Go outdoors. Doing something completely different will keep your mind interested, your motivation up, and your body changing.

Get Motivated!

Get Motivated!

Join #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat Monday 11/21 at 5pm(Pacific)/8pm(Eastern) on Twitter!

Pick up exercise tips, inspiration and accountability. Find support on your fitness journey and solutions to your challenges. Discover how others are making healthy living happen. Here’s how to join:

1. Log into twitter.

2. Enter #HealthyWayMag to follow the conversation.

3. Chat with others, exchange ideas and have fun!

Be there for your opportunity to win a giveaway from ROLL Recovery.

Should the Stationary Bike be on your cardio list?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Stationary Bike!

Whether your new to fitness or a seasoned veteran, keep the stationary bike on your cardio option list. Here’s why:

Non-impact. The bike is non-impact, which means there’s no impact stress on your joints.

Intensity is controllable. Add resistance or decrease it. Add elevation or decrease it. Your workout is up to you.

You have options. Choose between a recumbant bike or upright bike. If you have difficulty stabilizing your torso without back support, choose a recumbant bike. If you have knee or hip concerns and a large range of motion is difficult, choose a stationary bike.


*Consult a physician before beginning exercise.