April 27, 2024

Add this stretch into your workout plan

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Quad Stretch!

Do this quad stretch at the end of your workout to stretch the front of your thigh and hip. Stand up straight. Bend your right knee and lift your right heel behind your body, toward your low back. Hold your foot with your right hand. Keep your torso straight and shoulders down and back. Hold for 10 seconds, then release. Next, bend your left knee and lift your left heel behind your body, toward your low back. Hold your foot with your left hand for 10 seconds, then release.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Crunch-less Abs

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Take your Abs on the go with this crunch-less ab exercise!

Begin standing. Place both hands behind your head with your elbows wide. Lift your right knee out to the side of your body and move toward your right elbow, then return to the floor. Perform 10 times. Next, lift your left knee toward your left elbow, then lower. Repeat 10 times. To progress, keep your foot up off the floor as you lift and lower your knee.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.

3 Reminders for your Next Workout

Get Fit Quick Tip:

3 Workout Etiquette Reminders

Your workout is exactly that, YOUR workout.  Pick up after yourself and clean up your area when done . Here are 3 etiquette reminders next time you’re at the gym:

Rack your weights! Please take your weights off the bars, off the machines and up off of the floor when done. Place them on their proper rack, so others don’t risk injury lifting weights that are too heavy just to clean up your mess.

Take turns! Allow another exerciser to “work in” a set on your rest interval if possible. If you notice someone waiting, please offer a work-in set to make the best use of everyone’s time.

Put equipment back where it belongs. Wandering around the gym floor looking for equipment is a waste of time. Please return equipment like safety collars, different attachments and rack pads to their proper place.




Cross-Train for Motivation

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Cross-Train once a week!

In a workout slump? Mix up your workout to keep motivation high and interest fresh. Take your favorite workout and tweak it slightly for a new challenge. Cross-training doesn’t have to be complicated. Change the angle at which you’re working muscles, and the result is your body (and your mind) has to learn something new. A slight adjustment will do. For example, love to run? Try the elliptical machine. Love to cycle? Try water jogging. Love to swim? Try running. Love the stationary bike, try walking on the treadmill.

Form a Walking for Fitness Club!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Form a Walking Club!

Fitness is fun when others are included. And you’re less likely to skip out on your exercise when you know others are waiting for you. Add a social element to your workouts by forming a walking for fitness club. Getting started is easy. Here’s how:

Decide on a regular walking for fitness club day, time and meeting location and route.

Send an email, evite or group text inviting others to join you.

Send weekly reminders.

Through consistent exercise you’ll enjoy the many physical and psychological benefits. Here are just a few:

Regular exercise.

Build friendships.

Explore your town.

Expand your fitness horizons as you learn what other forms of fitness members enjoy.



Your Fitness: When to say WHEN

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Calling it quits.

So, you’ve had a nagging pain here, a little pinch there. How do you know when you should push through the discomfort or back off and see your doctor? Do a body scan and differentiate between pain, muscle soreness or fatigue. Pain is an acute feeling. Pain stops you in your tracks or is a low grade constant ache. Pain can take your breath away.  Here are a few variables to determine when to say when in your fitness:

Pain for more than 3 months. If you’ve had consistent pain for 3 months or longer, see your doctor.

Numbness, tingling or radiating pain. Pain that travels through your body means a call to your doctor.

Night pain. If you have pain that is waking you up at night, consult your doctor.

Loss of range of motion or mobility. Painful or limited range of motion should be a red flag.


*Always consult your doctor to determine an appropriate course of action for your individual needs.


Give Your Fitness the Thumbs Up!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Thumbs Up Arm Raise!

Strengthen your upper back muscles with this exercise on the ball. A strong back means standing up straight for longer, and with greater ease. Here’s how:

Lie on a stability ball face down with your feet flat on the floor wide for balance. Lift your chest away from the ball so your body is straight and core is stable. Extend both arms straight down toward the floor. Next rotate your palms forward so your thumbs point up. Lift and lower your arms. Perform 10-15 reps.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.


Up for an Ab Challenge?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Plank with Knee Ups!

Up for an ab challenge? Take your planks up a notch by adding this simple move. Begin in a regular front plank. Next, bend your right knee and bring your knee toward your chest. Maintain neutral spine and pull your belly button up. Then, extend your right knee, kicking your leg straight out behind you. Repeat 10 times, then release to your front plank. Next, repeat the same motion bending your left knee toward your chest. Do 10 times. Control your entire range of motion and maintain proper form.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Build strong legs and core!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Strong Legs and Core

Build stronger legs and a stronger core with this one move. Begin on your hands and knees. Place your hands directly below your shoulders, and your knees directly below your hips. Keeping your torso stable, lift and extend one leg so it is parallel to the floor. Lower your toes to the floor, then lift about 12 inches. Perform 10-15 reps lifting each leg.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.

WHY you’re not working out

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Why are you not working out?

Often skipping a workout comes from 3 areas that you’re lacking: interest, focus or time. Here are a few ideas how to get motivated again.


No interest?

Revisit childhood. What activities did you enjoy? Remember, not all exercise has to be structured to count toward your fitness. Run, jump, hop, play, bike, walk, swim, play basketball, soccer, dance…


No focus?

Do circuit training. Perform 1 minute of cardio, then perform 1 strength exercise. Repeat alternating until all sets are complete. Time will zoom by, keeping your mind and your body busy.


No time?

Split up your cardio and strength training into 5-20 minute sessions. For example, do a 20 minute walk in the morning followed by a 5 minute body weight strength routine in the evening. Find little bits of fitness to add into free moments during the day.