April 26, 2024

Challenge Your Plank!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Bird Dog Plank!

Begin in a plank on your hands and toes. Keeping your torso stable, lift your right hand and left foot about six inches off the floor. Without rocking your torso, lower your right hand and left foot and immediately lift your left hand and right foot. Repeat until 10 reps total are complete. The key is not how high you’re able to lift your hand and foot, but maintaining proper alignment and form when transferring from side to side.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.


Lunge Stretch for Runners

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Lunge Stretch for Runners

Stretch your leg muscles with this Lunge Stretch: Begin kneeling on your right knee, with your left foot forward and flat. Place one hand on the floor on either side of your body for support, or place your hands on your hips. Let both hips fall forward, feeling a slight stretch in the front of your right hip and thigh. For more of a stretch lift your right knee up about two-three inches off of the floor. Hold for 10-30 seconds, then release. Repeat the stretch kneeling on your left knee, and your right foot forward and flat.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Pushups= Total Body Strength

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Pushups for total body fitness!

Do pushups for total body strength and fitness. Core, upper body and lower body are all under constant tension to perform a pushup properly. Do pushups with your hands on a step, bench or the floor. Your legs can be straight with your whole body up off the floor, or place your knees on the floor to reduce abdominal muscle tension. Despite requiring no additional equipment, performing pushups properly calls for practice and awareness. Be mindful not to adapt two commonly seen compensating patterns:

Don’t hunch your shoulders! Keep your shoulders away from your ears. Drop your chin to your chest to keep your neck aligned with your spine.

Don’t sag in the middle. Pull your belly button up to your spine. Keep your leg muscles tight with your hips in line between your shoulders and your hips.

*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Do Star Jumps!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Add in Star Jumps!

Increase your workout intensity by adding in cardio bursts. In between every set or in between groups of exercises, doing 30 to 2 minutes of cardio will burn additional calories. Cardio bursts are also a way to mix up your workout, challenge your muscles, prevent boredom and add a fun component. Another option is to combine star jumps with burpees, jump squats or plyometrics for a challenging high-intensity cardio workout. Here’s how to get started:

Begin standing with your arms at your sides. Jump straight up and extend both arms and legs out the side creating a star shape with your body. Land gently with your arms and legs together. Bend your knees and immediately perform another star jump.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Ab Tuck and Crunch

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Ab Tuck and Crunch

If you’re looking to challenge your abs, try this move. Begin lying flat on the floor, next lift up your upper body with your arms in front of you for balance. Then, lift both legs up off the floor to your starting pike position. Next, exhale and pull both knees into your chest while stabilizing your torso in the incline position. Inhale and return to your staring pike position. Repeat 10 times.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise. This exercise is for those without injury concerns.

Post-Workout Stretch

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Standing Hamstring and Low Back Stretch!

Begin standing. Place your right foot forward of your left about 2 feet and slightly wider than your hip. Keep both knees slightly bent. Bend forward slowly and place one hand on either side of your right leg for support. Another option is to place both hands on your right thigh for support. Tuck your chin into your chest. Hold for one deep breath, then release and return to a standing upright position. Repeat with your left foot forward.

This stretch is for those without injury or balance concerns.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.



Build a Strong Back

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Strengthen your Back.

Build a strong back by performing this exercise. Begin on the floor on your hands and knees. Keeping your spine aligned and belly button pulled up, lift your right hand and your left knee up off the floor. Return to the floor, and immediately lift your left hand and your right knee up off of the floor. Repeat alternating movement until 10 reps are complete. To progress, lift your right hand and extend your arm forward parallel to the floor. At the same time, lift your left knee up off of the floor and extend your leg until it is parallel to the floor. Hold for a count of 5, then release. Repeat the same movement with your left hand and right knee.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Add this stretch into your workout plan

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Quad Stretch!

Do this quad stretch at the end of your workout to stretch the front of your thigh and hip. Stand up straight. Bend your right knee and lift your right heel behind your body, toward your low back. Hold your foot with your right hand. Keep your torso straight and shoulders down and back. Hold for 10 seconds, then release. Next, bend your left knee and lift your left heel behind your body, toward your low back. Hold your foot with your left hand for 10 seconds, then release.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Crunch-less Abs

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Take your Abs on the go with this crunch-less ab exercise!

Begin standing. Place both hands behind your head with your elbows wide. Lift your right knee out to the side of your body and move toward your right elbow, then return to the floor. Perform 10 times. Next, lift your left knee toward your left elbow, then lower. Repeat 10 times. To progress, keep your foot up off the floor as you lift and lower your knee.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Give Your Fitness the Thumbs Up!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Thumbs Up Arm Raise!

Strengthen your upper back muscles with this exercise on the ball. A strong back means standing up straight for longer, and with greater ease. Here’s how:

Lie on a stability ball face down with your feet flat on the floor wide for balance. Lift your chest away from the ball so your body is straight and core is stable. Extend both arms straight down toward the floor. Next rotate your palms forward so your thumbs point up. Lift and lower your arms. Perform 10-15 reps.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.