May 5, 2024

Your Fitness= Try and Try Again!

Healthy Mind:

Your Fitness= Try and Try Again, and then try again until you find what inspires and motivates you.

If you’re not finding fitness that suits you, try and try again. There is something for every one, every ability, every personality, every time constraint, financial situation, gear availability and age.


Find your Fitness Second Gear

Fit Mind:

Find Your Fitness Second Gear!

When the going get tough, the tough _______! Or do you back down and back off? Find your fitness second gear by:

Practice clearing your mind of distractions and over-thinking what you’re doing. Choose one word to repeat over and over again until your mind is clear.

Focus on your inhale and exhale by counting out load. Count your inhale to 2-3 seconds and your exhale of 3-4 seconds. Repeat.

Choose someone who inspires you and repeat their name as you move through your fitness challenge. Dedicating your effort to a loved one will give you power and focus to complete the task at hand.


Do you inspect your fitness equipment?

Fit Body:

Inspect your fitness equipment

Fitness equipment needs to be cleaned up, and replaced every so often. Working out on equipment and gear that is less than par not only leads to a less effective workout, but could also increase your risk of injury. Examine your workout gear every 4-6 months, or even more often if you’re exercising outdoors. Here are the pieces that need your regular attention:

Exercise band. Closely examine the tube, as well as the handles. Small tears or cracks increase risk for breaking. Replace it.

Jump Rope. Over time the plastic ropes can thin and even break depending on your jumping surface and style. If your rope has lost its shape, time or a new one.

Stability ball. Sit on the ball. If your hips are below your knees, time to add air.

Yoga or exercise mat. If they are looking worn and have lost their grip, you are at risk for a slip or fall. Replace it.

Free weights and Barbells. If your free weights have collars, inspect them regularly to insure they are secure and are not stripped of their locking device.





Your Essential Exercise

Fit Body:

Squats with Dumbbells

Squats are an essential exercise. You sit down and stand up many times during the day, so adding a squat exercise into your weight routine is functional. A functional exercise helps us gain strength to perform a daily activity. Here’s how to start: Begin holding one weight in each hand. Bending from your knees and hips, sit back and lower down about six inches. Pause for one second. Return to standing to complete one rep.


*Consult your doctor before performing exercise.



Give up your fitness excuses.

Fit Mind:

Give up your fitness excuses.

Excuses won’t get you fitness results. Hard work, dedication and consistency will. Eliminate your excuses by making a list of the most common reasons to skip a workout. For example, no extra time, not enough energy and no access to equipment. Along side each excuse, brain storm three ways to overcome each according to your own schedule and goals. If you’re stumped, ask a friend to look at your list and come up with a solution together. Fitness results happen by making a daily commitment to your workout. Make your dedication stronger than every excuse.

Shoulder Shrug for Stress Release

Healthy Body:

Shrug exercise for stress release

The neck is a common place to hold muscle tension and stress.  Combine your shoulder shrug stretch with deep breathing for an instant tension and stress release. Here’s how: Inhale, pull your shoulders up toward your ears. Exhale and pull your shoulders down and back.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.


Supported Posture Stretch

Fit Body:

Shoulder Stretch for Posture

If standing shoulders stretches feel uncomfortable, try this seated and supported posture stretch. Begin kneeling on the floor facing a wall. Place both hands on the wall about chest-level. Walk your fingers up the wall, leaning forward until you feel a stretch under your arms and along the side of your torso. Hold for 10-30 seconds, then slowly release.


*Consult your physician before performing stretch.

How’s your Mental Fitness?

Fit Mind:

Keep thoughts positive!

You are what you think you are! Strong, powerful, capable? Weak, tired, defeated? Mental fitness is part of a healthy lifestyle. Mental, emotional and psychological fitness is what keeps you focused, determined and moving along the path to accomplish your goals, especially when times are tough. Adopt a workout mantra to repeat while exercising to keep self-talk positive. I am strong. I am powerful. I am capable. Repeating your mantra when workouts are tough or focus is lacking will serve as a moving meditation, powering you forward and through. You will become what you believe, think, say and do. Keep it positive!

Get Exercise Form Right First

Fit Body:

Master Form First!

Adding a new exercise into your workout? Get exercise form right first, and then add load to challenge your muscles. Ask your training partner or gym buddy to watch a few reps. Even using mirrors as form feedback may miss important elements of the exercise. Your partner can watch a few reps from behind you, on the right side, left side and in front, and then offer feedback as to your alignment and stability. Proper form means a more effective exercise, and that’s where results happen!

Small-Space Cardio

Fit Body:

Small-Space or Stationary Cardio!

Not all cardio has to cover miles, use expensive equipment and take up lots of time, to contribute towards a healthier cardiovascular system. Stack stationary moves to power up your heart and lungs, burn calories and even reduce stress and muscle tension. For example:

Jumping Jacks.

Jump Rope.

Jog in place.

Plyometrics or hopping in various patterns.

Body Weight moves performed at a faster pace and in succession without a rest period.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.