April 25, 2024

Take Your Planks Up a Level

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Planks… Plus!

Take your planks up a level by adding in 2 additional moves:

Begin in a plank, on your toes and hands. Keep your body straight. Next, lift up your right leg, bend your knee and pull your knee up toward your chest. Straighten your knee to complete 1 rep. Do 10 reps, then release. Repeat with your left knee. Do 10 reps.

Begin in a plank, on your toes and hands. Lift your right leg up off the floor about 6 inches. Keeping your knee straight, slide your leg out to the side about 10-12 inches, then return to the center to complete 1 rep. Do 10 times, then release. Repeat with your left leg. Do 10 reps.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.


Incorporate a Stability Ball

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Incorporate a Stability Ball into your Workout!

Exercising on a stability ball adds a challenge to your core muscles. Here are your safety considerations:

To find the correct size: Sit on the ball. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor, or your hips should be an inch or two above your knees.

Don’t leave the ball in the sun, or use on a sharp uneven surface.

Use the ball on a non-skid floor.

Do the exercise first without weight or load to determine your ability to get into and out of the position safely.

The ball should be held stable and not be used to bounce while lifting weights.



Strengthen Your Core

Get Fit Quick Tip:

 Ab Tuck 

To build core strength implement this ab exercise into your routine. Begin seated on the floor. Lean back slightly and lift both legs up off the floor, then extend your knees. Hold both arms straight out in front of you to stay balanced. Next lift your torso, and bend both knees pulling them in toward your chest. This completes 1 rep. Start with 10 reps.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Take Your Plank for a Walk

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Plank Walk!

Once you’ve mastered the plank, add a total core “moving” challenge. Here’s how: Begin in a pushup position, with your arms and legs straight and your torso straight.  Keeping your feet in place, walk your hands to your right 3-6 times. Maintaining proper posture and spinal alignment, walk your hands to your left 3-6 times to complete 1 rep. Drop your knees to the floor and rest 10 seconds. Repeat 3-5 total cycles.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Add Function to your Fitness

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Get Functional!

If you’re having trouble lifting or carrying, try adding a Squat with a Bicep Curl to your workout routine:

Stand with your feet hip width apart. Hold a weight on either side of your body. Bending from your knees and hips, lower your body down about 12 inches, keeping your elbows straight. Upon standing up, bend both arms into a bicep curl. Repeat the squat and extend your elbows again.

If you’re having trouble bending or reaching, add a One Leg-Hold and Reach to your exercise outline:

Stand on your right leg only. Stabilize your torso and reach your arms forward, without losing your balance. Hold for 2-3 seconds, then return to your standing upright position. Do 10 reps. Then, switch and stand on your left leg only, reach forward and hold.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.


Quality-Control your Crunches

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Quality Crunches!

Do a quality-control check of your form while doing crunches.

Begin on the floor on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head, with your elbows wide. Lift your chin off your chest. Slowly lift your shoulders up off the floor sliding your ribs toward your hips. You should feel the ab muscles engage. Exhale, and lift up 1-2 inches higher, that’s it. Pause at the top of your range of motion.  Inhale, and slowly lower your shoulders to your starting point, not all the way to the floor. Pause at your starting point. Start with 10 reps.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.


Challenge your Core with the Stability Ball

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Incorporate the Stability Ball!

Incorporate exercises on the stability ball for a core challenge.

Sit on the ball. Lift your right foot up off the floor and extend your right knee. Hold for 10 seconds, then release. Next, lift your left foot up off the floor, extend your left knee and hold for 10 seconds. Release.

(Choose the appropriate size stability ball for your height and ability.)


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.


Strong with Step Ups

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Get Strong with Step Ups!

Build strong legs with this challenging exercise. Hold a weight in each hand. Stand facing a stable bench or secure chair. Step up on the bench with your right leg only. Transfer your body up onto the bench. Slowly lower your body back to the floor leading with your left leg.  Return to your starting position with both feet flat on the floor to complete one rep. Next, step up with your left leg, then slowly lower leading with your right leg. Begin with ten reps total.

A few form pointers:

Maintain proper spinal alignment with your shoulders down and back.

Maintain core stability holding your belly button in.

Control is key. Slowly lift your body, pause, slowly lower your body, pause. No bounce. No swing.

Exhale when you lift. Inhale when you lower.

*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.


Bored with your Ab Exercises? Try this!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Flutter Kicks for Abs!

Bored with your Ab Exercise? Try this!

Lie on your back on the floor. Stabilize your midsection by pulling your belly button in toward your spine and maintaining neutral lumbar position. Lift both legs up off the floor, alternating. Match each lift and lower with an inhale or exhale. Start with 10 reps.

To progress: Lift both legs up off the floor and cross your ankles in a scissor kick.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Progress your Ab Plank

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Side Plank

Lie on your right side on the floor. Place your right hand on the floor directly below your shoulder. Place the outside of your right foot on the floor, with both legs straight. Lift your body up off the floor and hold your body straight in a side plank position. Release by dropping your hips to the floor. Repeat with your left hand and left foot on the floor. Lift your body up and hold the side plank position. Begin with a ten second hold on each side. Breathe through each plank, hold your belly button in tight and maintain proper spinal alignment.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.