April 27, 2024

Do this stretch at your desk

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Computer stretch for your hands.

Extend one arm straight out in front of you with your palm facing down. Pull your shoulders down and back. Gently curl your fingers in and bend your wrist down. Hold for a count of 10, then release. Repeat with your other arm.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Quality-Control your Crunches

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Quality Crunches!

Do a quality-control check of your form while doing crunches.

Begin on the floor on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head, with your elbows wide. Lift your chin off your chest. Slowly lift your shoulders up off the floor sliding your ribs toward your hips. You should feel the ab muscles engage. Exhale, and lift up 1-2 inches higher, that’s it. Pause at the top of your range of motion.  Inhale, and slowly lower your shoulders to your starting point, not all the way to the floor. Pause at your starting point. Start with 10 reps.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.


Release muscle tension with this stretch

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Side Bend Stretch.

Release muscle tension in your back and shoulders by doing this stretch daily. Stand up. Reach both arms straight up overhead. Lean to your right and hold for 10-20 seconds, release. Lean to your left and hold for 10-20 seconds, then release.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Do this strength exercise…

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Bridge for multi-benefits!

Do this exercise to strengthen your core, and lower body.

Here’s how to begin: Lie on your back. Place both arms straight along side your body, flat on the floor. Maintain your neutral pelvis position, then gently lift your hips up off the floor. Hold for 10 seconds, then release. Build to 10 reps.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Do this End-of-Workout Stretch

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Corner Chest and Arm Stretch.

Do this feel-good stretch at the end of your workout.

Stand facing a corner. Place both hands on the wall about 10 inches off the side of your body. Step forward into the corner feeling a stretch across your chest, front shoulders and arms.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.


Take your leg strength to the next level…

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Do a Single Leg Squat for leg strength.

Once you’ve mastered the Squat, try a Single Leg Squat to take your leg training to the next level. Here’s how:

Stand on your right leg only. Bend from your right knee and hips, and sit back lowering your body down about six inches. Keep your right knee lined up over your right foot. Maintain proper spinal alignment with your hips level. Now stand up straight again to complete one rep. Do 8-12 times. Repeat, standing on your left leg only. For better balance, extend both arms straight out in front of you. Progress to placing both arms across your chest. For even more of a challenge, reach forward and touch a point such as a chair or cone with your hand while maintaining proper form.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Make Workout Prep a Priority

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Weekly Workout Prep!

Once Monday hits, the week rolls fast and life gets busy. Make your fitness as convenient as possible so less time is wasted when schedules are tight. Make sure you have what you need for your workout, when you need it. Plan for your workouts for the week NOW!

1. Workouts planned and logged into your calendar.

2. Workout clothing washed, folded and packed in your drawer or gym bag. Shoes too!

3. Water bottle cleaned, filled and chilled.

4. Healthy pre and post-workout snacks portioned and packed in your container or bags.

5. Gym bag placed by the front door.


Make up your own fitness!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Get creative and make up your own fitness!

Remember summer days as a kid when you simply ran wildly without worry or structure or concern with…biomechanics? Revisit your childhood and run, jump, hop and skip. Here are a few moves to get started:

Side Shuffle. Side step to your right 20 paces. Stop quickly, and side shuffle to your left 20 paces.

Forward Hop. Place both feet together and hop forward.

High Skip. Skip forward trying to jump as high as you’re able with each stride.

Jog and Jump. Jog forward 5 paces, on the 6th step jump straight up reaching both arms up overhead, then return to your jog for 5 paces again.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Do this stretch…

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Kneeling Hip Stretch

Do this kneeling hip and quad stretch to decrease front thigh tightness. Kneel on your right knee. Tilt your pelvis back and under. Let your hips fall slightly forward. Hold for 10 seconds, then release. Repeat the stretch kneeling on your left knee. Hold for 10 seconds, then release.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Neck tension slowing you down?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Ease neck tension with this simple stretch!

Sitting at a desk all day? Do this neck and shoulder stretch to ease muscle tension.

Begin by pulling your shoulders down and back. Inhale and drop your right ear toward your right shoulder. Place your left hand on your left shoulder to build awareness of your shoulders being straight and level. Exhale, count to 10. Release the stretch. Repeat by first pulling both shoulders down and back. Next inhale, drop your left ear toward your left shoulder. Place your right hand on your right shoulder. Exhale, count to 10. Release the stretch.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.