April 24, 2024

Progress your Ab Plank

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Side Plank

Lie on your right side on the floor. Place your right hand on the floor directly below your shoulder. Place the outside of your right foot on the floor, with both legs straight. Lift your body up off the floor and hold your body straight in a side plank position. Release by dropping your hips to the floor. Repeat with your left hand and left foot on the floor. Lift your body up and hold the side plank position. Begin with a ten second hold on each side. Breathe through each plank, hold your belly button in tight and maintain proper spinal alignment.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Fitness Opportunities are Everywhere!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Fitness opportunities are everywhere!

LOOK around you, there are fitness opportunities everywhere! Not all exercise has to be structured to count toward your fitness. With creativity and imagination, fitness opportunities can be found in a park, school yard, soccer field, housing complex, and so on. Here are a few to get started:

Wall: Wall Squat- Stand with your back against a wall and your feet about 12 inches from the wall. Keeping your torso on the wall, slide down the wall about 12 inches. Hold for ten to thirty seconds.

Stairs: Stair Intervals- Jog up 10-20 stairs. Turn around and immediately walk down the stairs. After ten seconds rest, repeat the stair interval.

Bench: Pushups- Place your hands on a bench about shoulder-width apart. Extend your legs out straight so only your toes are on the ground. Keeping your torso straight, lower your chest toward the bench, and then return to your starting position.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Combo Exercises

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Combine moves for function!

Combine traditional strength training exercises to improve function. For example, perform a Squat immediately into a Bicep Curl, following the strength pattern needed to pick something up off the floor and carry. Perform a Squat with Shoulder Press, which mimics the pattern of picking an item up off of the floor and placing on a shelf overhead. Look at the movement patterns you’re required to perform during the day and then train for those patterns in the gym.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.


Do this with your exercise once a month…

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Try a new workout or exercise at least once a month.

Muscles like unaccustomed exercise. Mixing up your workout forces muscles to learn a new pathway to work. What does this mean for you? Motivation stays high and results keep coming! Here are a few ideas to get started:

Ask friends what exercises they enjoy.

Get a guest pass to a gym.

Purchase a punch card for an outdoor workout.

Join a community-sponsored class.

Register for a local race.

Take lessons for a sport.

Swap workout equipment with a friend.

Try streaming workouts or YouTube.



WORK for your fitness!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

WORK HARD for your fitness!

Your workout is supposed to be challenging, that’s the point! Challenging is where results happen. There are no short cuts, easy roads or lazy days when it comes to improving your health and fitness. Instead of being afraid of hard work, discomfort, sweat and burning muscles, embrace the effort! Here’s what may happen during a high-quality workout:

You may sweat.

Your muscles may burn.

You may become fatigued.

Your heart rate may increase.

Your breathing may become challenging.

You may be physically uncomfortable.

You may have to dig deep mentally.

You may struggle to complete the workout.




Start a Fitness Tradition

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Start a tradition… of fitness!

Pick one day or one special occasion and initiate a fitness tradition. Begin with friends and family, and then invite neighbors, coworkers, and others from there. Perhaps a 2 mile walk on a designated route or time, or a 4 mile bike ride to a special destination, or maybe a 2 mile hike to an inspiring look out or peak. Let your imagination go and see where it takes you!

To get started:

Designate the same day each year. Planning your fitness tradition to happen on a holiday, or particular day each year, allows others time to plan to take part.

Follow a designated mileage or duration. A set goal or miles or duration allows everyone to train and prepare for your tradition.

Include the FUN. Add music, fun costumes, special invited guests or snacks! The sky is the limit.

Choose a person or cause to honor with your tradition. Honoring a special cause or person gives the tradition value and purpose.



Stand Up Straight with this Stretch!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Stretch your Chest and Front Shoulder!

Stand up. Place your right hand on the wall or door frame slightly lower than shoulder level. Keep your elbow straight, and gently turn your body away from your hand. Pull your right shoulder down and back feeling a stretch across your chest and front shoulder. Hold for 10 seconds, then release. Repeat the stretch placing your left hand on the wall or door frame.

Stretching your chest and front shoulder allows for proper posture. This means you stand up straight, longer! Proper posture reduces muscle tension and stress that comes from slouching. Taking regular stand up stretching breaks during your day reminds your body of neutral or a properly aligned body position. You’ll have more energy and feel better!


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Get Walking!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Walk Together!

Walking is great exercise to do with a group. Walking allows you to interact with others, get fresh air and sunshine, take in the sights and requires no additional equipment. Walking doesn’t require learning a new skill or competency maintaining  a high intensity workout. Walking is a by-design workout, you can make it whatever you want it to be! You’ll strengthen your heart, lungs and muscles, and improve balance, agility and coordination, all at the same time. Simply put your shoes, grab your keys and phone, and GO! Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Exercise and socialize. Schedule a walk and talk with friends to catch up.

Take in the view. Walk to a vista or landmark location.

Walk to a destination. Walk to the store, library or movie theater.

Be a tourist. Take a scenic walk through your town.

Go off-road. Head to the local trail and and add an agility component to your walk.




Master Exercise Form

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Form matters!

Master proper exercise form for an effective workout. Learning how to execute an exercise safely is paramount, and that means learning proper form. This means you should know what muscles you’re working with the exercise and why it’s important to your fitness program.  Here’s how to begin:

Maintain proper spinal alignment during the entire set.

Stabilize your core throughout the range of motion.

Master the exercise without weight first.

Control the entire range of motion on each rep.


ENERGIZE your workout!

ENERGIZE your workout every Monday at 5pm(Pacific)/8pm(Eastern) with #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat on Twitter! Pick up fitness tips, workout ideas and exercise support.

The benefit of having training partners is when you don’t feel up to working out, they do! Workout partners also offer accountability to log each workout with full effort and attention. Rely on training partners to offer a motivation pick-up on those days when you’re stressed or distracted. Often you’ll even gain energy from workout partners! Consider #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat your virtual training partner. We’ve got your motivation and accountability covered!

Here’s how to join:

Log into Twitter.

Enter #HealthyWayMag to follow the chat feed.

Questions for discussion will be posed as Question 1 noted as “Q1″, Question 2 as “Q2″, and so on. Offer your answer as Answer to Question 1, “A1″, and so on.

Interact with others, chat, and have fun!