April 27, 2024

Ease Aching Feet

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Ease Aching Feet

Ease aching feet by rolling the bottom of your foot on a tennis ball. Begin seated:

Place a tennis ball on the floor. Next, place your bare foot on top of a tennis ball. Roll from your toes to your heel and back again for 10-20 rolls. Adjust pressure by pushing down harder or less.

Decrease upper body tension with this daily stretch

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Do a Wrist Stretch Daily!

Ease every day arm and hand tension with this daily stretch for your wrists and fingers. Here’s how:

Sit up tall with your shoulders down and back. Place both hands together with your fingers pointing toward the floor. Gently press your palms together. Hold for 10-30 seconds, then release.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.


Strengthen your Abs: Crunch…Plus!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Crunch-hold with both legs up!


To target your core try this crunch exercise:

Lie on your back on the floor. Lift both legs up, with your knees over your hips and your lower legs parallel to the floor. Next, lift your shoulder blades up off the floor to establish your starting position. For more of a challenge, extend both arms straight off the floor along the side of your body. Hold this position for 2 deep breaths or 10 seconds, then release. Do 3-5 reps.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise. This exercise is not for those with back injury concerns.



Get Fit Quick Tip:


Take a note from kids and add the PLAY to your workout!

Every once in awhile forget counting reps, sets and logging rest time, and go PLAY! Let loose and run, jump, skip and hop. Implementing one PLAY day per month is a great way to keep workout motivation high. Adding play to your workout is also a great way to take the pressure off of regulating intensity and such. Let your mind wander, get lost in your thoughts or the scenery around you. Invite friends and chat it up while getting active. Take a walk around your neighborhood, play with your kids, hit up the outdoor obstacle course at your local park!

At-Your-Computer Stretch

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Palm-Down Wrist Stretch

Un-do your computer work with this every day wrist stretch. Here’s how:

Extend your right arm forward with your palm facing down and your elbow straight. Curl your fingers down and in. Gently hold your right hand with your left hand if more comfortable. Hold for 10-30 seconds, then release. Next, extend your left arm forward and curl your fingers down and in.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Seated Stretch Made Easy

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Seated Hamstring Stretch

If you’ve been sitting for hours without a break, ease lower body muscle tension with this seated stretch. Sit with both legs out straight in front of you. Sit up tall, bend from your hips and reach both hands toward your toes. Hold for 10-30 seconds, then release. For an extra stretch, drop your chin toward your chest.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Take Your Planks Up a Level

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Planks… Plus!

Take your planks up a level by adding in 2 additional moves:

Begin in a plank, on your toes and hands. Keep your body straight. Next, lift up your right leg, bend your knee and pull your knee up toward your chest. Straighten your knee to complete 1 rep. Do 10 reps, then release. Repeat with your left knee. Do 10 reps.

Begin in a plank, on your toes and hands. Lift your right leg up off the floor about 6 inches. Keeping your knee straight, slide your leg out to the side about 10-12 inches, then return to the center to complete 1 rep. Do 10 times, then release. Repeat with your left leg. Do 10 reps.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.


Incorporate a Stability Ball

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Incorporate a Stability Ball into your Workout!

Exercising on a stability ball adds a challenge to your core muscles. Here are your safety considerations:

To find the correct size: Sit on the ball. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor, or your hips should be an inch or two above your knees.

Don’t leave the ball in the sun, or use on a sharp uneven surface.

Use the ball on a non-skid floor.

Do the exercise first without weight or load to determine your ability to get into and out of the position safely.

The ball should be held stable and not be used to bounce while lifting weights.