May 7, 2024

Set Weekly Goals

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Set Weekly Goals!

Short term goals of 3-6 months are important, as are long term goals of 6 months or longer to keep our focus. However, setting weekly goals keeps motivation high day in and day out. Write down your weekly goals and check off your progress as you go. 

Here’s how to get started:

Break it down. Set a weekly mileage goal or weight training goal by workouts logged, or even number of exercises, sets or weight mastered.

Reward small steps. Every workout counts and should be acknowledged as important.

Adjust as soon as possible. Weekly goals allows feedback sooner than short term goals. This means less time wasted moving in a direction not supportive of our goals.

Ask for Accountability in your Fitness

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Ask for Accountability!

Find a workout partner or exercise group to hold you accountable to your fitness. Simply knowing you have to report your progress, means you’re less likely to skip a workout. Here’s how to start:


Talk to your friends, coworkers or family. Ask if they have fitness goals. If so, ask how they stay on track.

Ask for what you need. What exactly are you asking of them? Be specific.

Define your terms. Be clear how you’ll communicate progress, how often and what the ramifications are for falling short.

Follow through. Stick to your agreed upon plan.


Unstructured Exercise Counts!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Abandon your structure!

Not all exercise has to be structured to count. Making fitness fun is a great motivational tool to keep exercise consistency up. Start thinking out of the box for ways to be creative with your fitness. Here’s a few to get you started:

Be spontaneous. Meeting cancelled last minute? Go for a walk. An extra hour on your hands? Bike to a friends house. At a concert? Get up and dance!

Add the play. Did you play a sport or game as a kid? Play as an adult!

Incorporate props. Try a stability ball, stability disk, foam roller, medicine ball or pilates disk. Experiment with different exercises to keep fitness interest high.

Mix in adventure. Try your local climbing gym. Jump in your community pool. Check out the local hiking trails. Take a kayaking or paddling lesson.


Get Your Workout on the Ball

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Get on the Ball.

Revisit the stability ball in your workout! Sitting on an unstable surface such as the ball recruits your core muscles, adding a unique challenge to your workout routine. A few reminders:


Choose a stability ball that is the appropriate size for your height. When sitting on the ball, your hips should be slightly higher than your knees.

Stability is paramount. Before adding weights or a band to your exercise, make sure you’re able to sit or lean against the ball safety and securely.

Form is important. You should be able to maintain proper spinal alignment, without any rocking side to side of your torso or weight shifting.

Ask a Fitness Professional for proper instruction and exercises for your goals and ability.


*Always consult your physician before beginning exercise.

What’s your Vision?

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Create a Vision Board

A vision board, simply put, is a visual reminder of your health and fitness goals. It highlights words that empower you, pictures that motivate you, and scenarios that inspire you. Draw, write, color, paste pictures, tape magazine clips, or use whatever materials trigger the feeling in you of why these goals are important. Here’s how to get started:

Use poster board, construction paper or notebook paper.

Include whatever images and/or words that resonate with you.

Make your vision board as simple or elaborate as you wish.

Place your board where you’ll see it daily.



Set a Healthy Tone to your Week

Set a healthy tone to your week with #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat every Monday 5pmP/8pmE! Pick up exercise ideas and inspiration. Chat with others, get motivated and excited about your fitness journey.


Here’s how to join:
Log onto your Twitter account and follow @HealthyWayMag to see the chat questions. Questions for discussion will be posted as Question 1, “Q1″, Question 2, “Q2″ and so on. Contribute your answer and experience via answers to Question 1 noted as “A1″, designating your answer to Question 2 as “A2″ and so on. Interact with others, chat, exchange ideas, training tips and have fun!

Monday February 22, 2016 #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat is Sponsored by delivers fuel, nutrition and monthly motivation in a box right to your front door. As a monthly subscription service, their mission is simple, “perform better, be healthier, and have more fun.” The box also makes a great gift for the runner in your life. It’s suitable for all ages and is packed with products to sample designed specifically to boost your training and your fitness. Products vary from month to month. Inside the box you’ll discover bars, gels, food, apparel, and gadgets just to name a few. Rest assured, knowing you’re sampling the best of the best products on the market. Order your box TODAY at! Follow them on Twitter @StrideBox.

Walking for Fitness

Get Fit Quick Tip:


Walking is effective cardiovascular exercise. Walking for fitness requires no additional equipment, and can be done right from your front door.

Ramp up your walking for fitness workout by adding in a few exercises at regular intervals:

Heel Raises: Stand keeping your torso straight. Lift and lower your heels.

Toe Raises: Stand keeping your torso straight. Lift and lower your toes.

Squats: Stand with your feet hip width apart. Bending from your knees and hips, sit back and lower your body toward the ground about six inches. Stand back up to return to your starting position.


*Always consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Ready, Set, GOAL! By Tera Busker

Ready, set, GOAL!

You have been training and working hard towards a goal and BAM – you hit a road block. Whether it be an injury, a change in plans or an act of God, you are sidelined. You now have 2 choices. You can A) give up or B) get back in the game. You don’t have to let a setback be the end of your journey – you can take the opportunity to view it as a set UP to a new goal.

A Goal Within A Goal

Many athletes train for a particular event only to be stopped in their tracks by an injury. They don’t give up and throw in the towel.  They reassess their overall goal by reaching for a new goal – recovery. Their eyes are still on the big prize, but they have to work on a new goal in order to get back in the game. Take a cue from them and set yourself up for a new venture. As you heal , try a new activity like yoga or swimming. As you recover, you can still “compete” by challenging yourself to learn and perfect a new pose or stroke.

Change Of Plans

Maybe your setback was due to change of plans on your part or the event itself. This happens A LOT to runners because of poor weather conditions. It’s very frustrating, but if you trained for a race your training doesn’t have to be for nothing. Find another race! Running a race that you don’t have planned or is unfamiliar to you can be exciting and fun. If finding another race is not an option, then run your own race. When the weather improves or your schedule clears up, map out the distance you planned to run and get after it. You may not get a finisher medal, but knowing you stuck with it is reward enough.

It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over

Sometimes setbacks actually mean giving up on your goal. Things happen that can permanently halt your progress, but don’t let it stop you from excelling. Find a new goal that fits into your life and your abilities but also takes you out of your comfort zone. The fear of something new and challenging can be refreshing and exciting. Excel. No matter what your setback is, don’t let it get you down. It may take you a little longer to reach your goal or take you in a totally different  direction, but you can still persevere.

Tera Busker is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and owner of Fitness To Go, an exclusive In Home & Private Studio Personal Training Service based out of Roberts, WI.

Is ADVENTURE in your healthy living plan? By Amy Christensen

5 Reasons Adventure Goals Are Healthy for Body & Mind

Are you stuck in a workout rut? Tired of the gym? Find yourself yearning for more excitement and adventure?

It’s totally possible. And even better—it’s good for you in both body and mind!

If you define an adventure as trekking around the world, or a week-long expedition into the backcountry, can feel either inaccessible, or like a long-term goal months (or years) away.

But it doesn’t have to be. Creating and nurturing short-term and daily adventures as part of your fitness goals has enormous benefits of its own.

1.    It’s social. Going for a hike, learning a new sport, or signing up for a local kickball team encourages interactions and sparks conversations. At a gym or a fitness class, we’re often in our own world (even if there are others around.) Creating a social environment where you’re sharing the experience can make working out more fun and less of a “chore” or “obligation.” Get your friends or family involved!

2.    It pushes your limits in new ways. When we dig deep and push our limits, we gain critical self-awareness, which leads to growth and action. We learn that we are stronger and more capable than we thought and we discover skills, talents and abilities we didn’t know we had.

3.    It helps you break out of routine. Routines can feel stagnant, and chances are, you’ve got more than enough between the 8-5 job, car pool schedules and meal times. What you crave is excitement and new challenges. Adding variety or setting a goal to get outdoors and do something completely different can help you break out of that routine and find adventure.

4.    It stretches you mentally and physically. Working out doesn’t have to be all about the number of reps you do, how much weight you’re lifting, or how many miles you ran. Stretching yourself mentally as well as physically offers new perspectives and new experiences, opening the doors for possibilities you may not have considered before. It’s about the temperature outside or how the world looks at midnight camping under the stars.

5.    It helps you build toward bigger adventures. If big adventures are on your bucket list, now is the perfect time to start building towards it. Start small and gradually increase the size of your adventure. Begin with a hike on a local trail, or experiencing a new spice, adding more over time. You’ll find your endurance and experience increasing toward your bucket-list adventure, like through-hiking a section of the Pacific Coast Trail or traveling overseas.

Here’s a bonus reason: It’s just plain fun! What adventures will you explore this winter season?

Amy Christensen is a certified life coach with a passion for adventure and helping women unleash their adventurous spirits. Based in Boulder, CO, her company, Expand Outdoors, focuses on creating healthy, sustainable, and fun lifestyle changes. She most recently launched 31 Winter Adventures, an email series delivering daily adventures to your inbox for 31 days in celebration of the winter season.

Find a Solution to your Resolution by Chanda Fetter

It seems that year after year, we promise to improve something we know is a challenge for us. For whatever reason, we convince ourselves that this ONE DAY, out of the entire year, is THE DAY things will change. 

The definition of resolution is …finding a solution to a problem; a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem.

To no surprise, the number one New Year’s Resolution is to lose weight. It’s time to truly find the SOLUTION to your resolution! If getting in shape has been your resolution more than once, don’t you think it’s time? Make 2012 different.

Commit to an Event. Typically the reason people can’t stick to a fitness goal is because there is no defined goal. So, make one! Sign up for something by the end of this month! Consider participating in a Walk for a Cure, climb the Rockies, Ride for a cause, or register for a Sprint Triathlon, just to name a few examples.  Pick an activity you enjoy and get excited about it.

Establish a Plan. Once you’ve chosen an event, create a realistic plan to prepare.  Having a realistic goal with sufficient training will allow you to ease into your activity giving your body time to embrace the new exercise rather than fight it.

Be Accountable. Buddy up with someone or a group, we are 96% more likely to show up if we know someone’s waiting.

Hire a Qualified Professional. We defer to professionals to tune up our cars but for some reason we don’t consider tuning up our bodies as important. Your body is the MOST important vehicle you own! Let a trained professional help you create a plan and motivate you to complete it. This time of year even affords you the best deals to do it!

It’s not a question of whether you CAN do it or WANT to do it, you NEED to do it.  Everything is better when you are living your best healthy life!

Chanda Fetter
IM=X Pilates, Owner