May 1, 2024

Your Workout Choice

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Workout by Design.

Get what you need from your workout. Exercise is not a one size fits all approach. Just as your mood, energy and motivation changes, your workout approach can change with it. Do a body scan from head to toe, how are you feeling? Here are a few ideas to get started:

Need to de-stress? Try yoga.

Need to expend energy? Go for a run.

Want the motivation of a group? Take a cycling class.

Need to exhale? Join a stretching class.

Looking for peace and quiet? Try hiking.



Pushups…To Go!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

 Pushups…To Go!

Choose any solid and stable surface and crank out a set of 5-10 pushups. The sink, counter, desk top, back of a chair, hood of your car, park bench, all provide great surfaces to add fitness into your day. The key is to maintain good posture with your back straight. Here are a few progressions if you’re looking for variations:

Lift and hold one foot up off the floor.

Slow your pace to allow a 4 second count when lowering and pushing.

Add in a 10 second plank hold in between each rep.

Lift and hold one leg out to the side of your body.

Hold the pushup for 5 seconds when your arms are bent.

Extend your elbows only half way up when pushing.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.




Progress your Ab Plank

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Side Plank

Lie on your right side on the floor. Place your right hand on the floor directly below your shoulder. Place the outside of your right foot on the floor, with both legs straight. Lift your body up off the floor and hold your body straight in a side plank position. Release by dropping your hips to the floor. Repeat with your left hand and left foot on the floor. Lift your body up and hold the side plank position. Begin with a ten second hold on each side. Breathe through each plank, hold your belly button in tight and maintain proper spinal alignment.


*Consult your physician before performing exercise.

Fitness Opportunities are Everywhere!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Fitness opportunities are everywhere!

LOOK around you, there are fitness opportunities everywhere! Not all exercise has to be structured to count toward your fitness. With creativity and imagination, fitness opportunities can be found in a park, school yard, soccer field, housing complex, and so on. Here are a few to get started:

Wall: Wall Squat- Stand with your back against a wall and your feet about 12 inches from the wall. Keeping your torso on the wall, slide down the wall about 12 inches. Hold for ten to thirty seconds.

Stairs: Stair Intervals- Jog up 10-20 stairs. Turn around and immediately walk down the stairs. After ten seconds rest, repeat the stair interval.

Bench: Pushups- Place your hands on a bench about shoulder-width apart. Extend your legs out straight so only your toes are on the ground. Keeping your torso straight, lower your chest toward the bench, and then return to your starting position.


*Consult your physician before beginning exercise.

Do this with your exercise once a month…

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Try a new workout or exercise at least once a month.

Muscles like unaccustomed exercise. Mixing up your workout forces muscles to learn a new pathway to work. What does this mean for you? Motivation stays high and results keep coming! Here are a few ideas to get started:

Ask friends what exercises they enjoy.

Get a guest pass to a gym.

Purchase a punch card for an outdoor workout.

Join a community-sponsored class.

Register for a local race.

Take lessons for a sport.

Swap workout equipment with a friend.

Try streaming workouts or YouTube.



Once a week for workout motivation

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Commit to a Standing Meet-Up!

Find one person who can commit to meeting you once a week for a regular workout together! The workout type can rotate or be the same type of exercise each week. The standing meet-up will:

Force you to re-commit to fitness every week.

Build momentum toward your health goal.

Set a fun tone to exercise.

Provide accountability.

Give you a workout to look forward to each week.

Challenge you to workout harder.

Encourage exercise consistency.

Keep healthy living a priority in your schedule.

Push you to try new exercises or a new workout.




ENERGIZE your workout!

ENERGIZE your workout every Monday at 5pm(Pacific)/8pm(Eastern) with #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat on Twitter! Pick up fitness tips, workout ideas and exercise support.

The benefit of having training partners is when you don’t feel up to working out, they do! Workout partners also offer accountability to log each workout with full effort and attention. Rely on training partners to offer a motivation pick-up on those days when you’re stressed or distracted. Often you’ll even gain energy from workout partners! Consider #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat your virtual training partner. We’ve got your motivation and accountability covered!

Here’s how to join:

Log into Twitter.

Enter #HealthyWayMag to follow the chat feed.

Questions for discussion will be posed as Question 1 noted as “Q1″, Question 2 as “Q2″, and so on. Offer your answer as Answer to Question 1, “A1″, and so on.

Interact with others, chat, and have fun!



Build Fitness Momentum

Build momentum toward your fitness goals by taking one step at a time. One healthy step fuels the next healthy step, promotes the next healthy step, and so on…

Take a healthy step with #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat every Monday at 5pm(Pacific)/8pm(Eastern) on Twitter! Pick up tips, ideas, solutions, find accountability, get motivated and have fun chatting with others also on their fitness journey.

Here’s how to join:

1. Log into your Twitter account.

2. Enter hashtag #HealthyWayMag.

3. See questions posted for discussion noted as “Q1″ for question 1. “Q2″ designates question 2.

4. Chat with other participants and have fun!


Monday April 25, 2016 #HealthyWayMag Fitness Chat Sponsored by RunnerBox:

Looking for an economical and effective method to learn what running, cycling, triathlon, racing and fitness gear is available, and more importantly what’s best for you and your training? Consider RunnerBox! A bimonthly subscription service or one time box (makes a great gift) allows you to sample the best top gear on the market. Offering a Runner Box, Tri Box, Cycle Box, you will find a box for you. Their boxes include everything from gels, bars, healthy snacks to skincare and accessories. They’ve done the research and only include the best gear for you to sample… all delivered right to your door! It doesn’t get easier! Check out their new race-specific kits. These “race survival kits” insure you are prepared and arrive at the starting line ready to race hard! Quantities are limited, so order yours NOW!


Group Motivation Solution

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Join a Group!

Is your exercise motivation lacking? Join an exercise group! The energy of a group is contagious:

A group will challenge you to try new exercises.

A group will feed your enthusiasm and drive to log a maximum-effort workout.

A group will renew your commitment to exercise because you’ll hear of others reaching goals.

A group will energize your dedication if you engage in friendly competition with other participants.




FUN Fitness!

Get Fit Quick Tip:

Find the FUN!

Having fun with your fitness, means you’ll want to workout! A consistent workout is where results happen. Let loose, explore and experiment, be open to not exactly knowing what comes next. Here’s how to have fun with your fitness:

Be vulnerable. Take a chance on a workout, where you don’t know exactly how it will go. Do something different!

Be a beginner. Not all workouts need to be about 100% mastery the first time. Try something new!

Abandon structure. Play, run, jump, skip, dance!